Volkswagen is killing the Beetle for good

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According to Mashable

Picture me, age 23. I’m shopping around for my first Adult car. While on the Volkswagen lot, surveying sensible Jettas and Passats, a round, enticing shape catches my eye: the Beetle.

Should I? Do I dare? I’m tempted. It’s just so freaking cute! And fun! I run my hand along its rotund bumper, picture it in candy apple red, baby blue… yellow! Highway 1, here I come!

No. No, no, no. This car is far too frivolous. I am a Young Professional now! I need something sleeker, more New Me, not old (young) me. Look, that black Jetta is just right.

I imagine internal monologues like mine — where drivers decide they’d look just a little too silly driving a Bug — are at least partially responsible for Volkswagen’s recent decision: to kill, once and for all, the Beetle. The beloved VW Bug.

The VW Beetle is being put out to pasture again.
The VW Beetle is being put out to pasture again.

Image: Tim Graham/Getty Images

On Friday, Motor Authority broke the automaker’s news that VW won’t produce and sell The Bug anymore. After this generation of Beetle runs its course, VW will shut down production, with no re-vamped models in the pipeline.

It was rumored Volkswagen was working on an electric Beetle. But VW chairman Herbert Diess quashed that rumor like an insect under his boot. Instead, the automaker’s “emotional” car will be a re-tooled Microbus. Guess you have all those #VanLife ‘grammers to thank for that.

There’s no concrete timeline for when VW will sell its last Beetle, but Motor Authority estimates VW dealerships will likely sell the car for a few more years since the new Microbus isn’t slated to come out until 2021 or so.

So farewell to that teenage dream, that embodiment of sass-en-auto, the cutest lil’ car that ever did drive. RIP, VW Bug.

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This article and images were originally posted on [Mashable] March 9, 2018 at 10:42AM. Credit to Author and Mashable | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day







How to Play Bloodborne in Co-Op

Your daily selection of the hottest trending gaming news!

According to PlayStation.Blog

Since its recent PlayStation Plus release, the streets of Yharnam have seen a sizable income of new Hunters, making it the perfect time to hunt together! Want a Hunter to help you with a particular boss or clear out a tough area? Here’s a quick guide on how to play online in Bloodborne.


The Insight system is the Lovecraftian mechanic at the very core of Bloodborne. This stat represents the amount of inhuman knowledge you have acquired by exploring the world and defeating bosses. Accumulating Insight points will lead you on your path towards the eldritch truth, seeing the unspeakable, and a lot more.

When it comes to playing online, Insight is also the main currency you’ll need. For the cost of one insight, you can summon players to your world to assist you in the hunt, and you won’t be able to play online until you get your first bit of Insight.

For this, however, you have a few options. The easiest way to get Insight early on in the game is to encounter a boss for the first time or consume Madman’s Knowledge, which you’ll find scattered across Yharnam or as a drop from certain enemies.


Getting help from others (the Beckoning Bell)

Once you have you have some Insight, you’re (almost) good to go. The item you need to summon help in Bloodborne is the Beckoning Bell.

After you’ve obtained your first point of Insight, you’ll buy the Beckoning Bell from the Messengers in the Hunter’s Dream.

Ringing this Beckoning Bell while playing online will grant you the ability to summon helpful players to your world.

Once rung, the bell will open your world and connect you to players who have offered to assist and that are within range of your in-game level and position. A good tip to find helpful players is to use the bell either at the beginning of a level or just before a boss room.

You can have two guests summoned in your world at once. When you play online, enemy health bars will adjust to reflect the extra Hunters in the mix, but co-op has a lot of benefits – for example, other players might distract the boss’s attention, letting you get in behind for some easy attacks.

Online, be wary that opening your world to friendly hunters might also attract unwanted attention from blood-starved Hunters. You will be notified in game if an adversary has invaded your world, so you have a little bit of time to prepare to fight (or to hide).


Helping other players (the Small Resonant Bell)

To be able to help other players, you will need the Small Resonant Bell. This item can be purchased in the Hunter’s Dream from the upper Messenger shop, which will appear once you’ve collected your first Insight.

All you need to do to help other players is ring the Small Resonant Bell and your game will connect to players who are ringing the Beckoning Bell in their world. Once again, a good tip is to use the item before bosses’ rooms or at the beginning of a level. Helping other players and helping them defeat bosses is a great way to gain Insights so you can summon players to your world later on!

Playing with friends

If you want to play with a friend, both the person using the Beckoning bell and the person using the Small Resonant Bell will need to put the same password in the settings under Network. Make sure you are both in the same area and try to stand as close as possible to each other in your respective worlds.


Ending a session (the Silencing Blank)

If for one reason or another you need to put an end to the co-op hunting session, you will need to use the Silencing Blank. You’ll get this item from the same Messenger that gives you the Beckoning Bell. When firing it up, you will end the online session and either return to your world or send the players helping you back to theirs.

Summoning The Old Hunters

After gaining your first point of Insight you’ll find an item known as the ‘Old Hunter Bell’ sitting on the steps of the Hunter’s Workshop, inside the Hunter’s Dream. This special bell can be used to summon the spirits of legendary hunters all around Yharnam and even within the Chalice Dungeons.

The summoning points will appear as small, glowing wells that resonate with a high-pitched chime. Stand over them and press ‘X’ to ring the Old Hunter Bell. Doing this will consume one Insight and summon to your world a friendly NPC hunter who will follow you around that area of the game, helping you to dispatch enemies and – in particular – tough bosses.


Share Play

If Beckoning Bells, Insight and cooperative play are not quite what you had in mind – if you just need to pass the controller to a friend for a moment so they can show you a cool hidden secret or a smart boss strategy, then why not fire-up Share Play?

This unique PlayStation 4 feature allows you to hand to control to a friend via the PlayStation Network and wherever they are in the world, they can take control of the game using their own PS4 as though they were sitting right beside you.

You can continue to chat via parties while you’re using Share Play, meaning you’re free swap strategies or point things out as you go. If, on the other hand, you’d really rather tackle things yourself, you can even simply invite someone to simply spectate and offer hints and tips rather than taking direct control.


So now you know how co-op works, what next? Well, you can put a call out to your fellow Hunters across social media, using the hashtag #BuddyUpForBloodborne. You a veteran wanting to guide newcomers through those tougher areas of Yharnam? Offer up your services using the hashtag. Fresh to the game and need help on a boss? Do a social shout out including the hashtag and see if an experienced Hunter’s in the area to lend you their expertise.


Remember, Hunters don’t have to go it alone!

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This article and images were originally posted on [PlayStation.Blog] March 9, 2018 at 11:52AM. Credit to Author and PlayStation.Blog | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




Watch Nintendo fans lose their minds as Smash Bros. is announced for Switch

Your daily selection of the hottest trending gaming news!

According to Polygon

We can’t stop smiling

Watching a Nintendo Direct presentation is like going to see your favorite band in concert. You have a basic idea of what this is going to sound like, but you’re still hoping to hear your favorite song. And many Nintendo fans got to hear their favorite song last night.

Yesterday’s Nintendo Direct had a lot of news, but very little of it was truly surprising or worthy of an extended reaction. Nintendo spent a lot of time filling out the library of the Switch and talking about 3DS games that will probably do well without lighting the world on fire; it’s not like Captain Toad has wide appeal outside of Nintendo diehards. Things were slowing down a bit, which was a relief for those of us covering the rapid-fire announcements and reveals.

But there was one last announcement at the end, and it was everything we had been hoping for.

It was Smash. And the crowd went wild.

That was the scene from the Nintendo World Store in New York City during the live announcement, and the sense of joy and excitement from the crowd feels like a ray of sunlight in world that often feels dark right now.

Here’s another angle of the same moment:

These videos created moments that look like art. Hum some tense music as you watch the first few moments of this gif, it’s a great effect:

The Super Smash Bros. announcement for the Nintendo Switch was the highlight of the evening, judging by videos like these and the reactions we saw from readers on our own site. It looks like Nintendo is playing the song everyone wanted to hear.


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This article and images were originally posted on [Polygon] March 9, 2018 at 10:10AM. Credit to Author and Polygon | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




A half degree more global warming could flood out 5 million more people

Your daily selection of the hottest trending gaming news!

According to – latest science and technology news stories

A half degree more global warming could flood out 5 million more people
Credit: Princeton University

The 2015 Paris climate agreement sought to stabilize global temperatures by limiting warming to “well below 2.0 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels,” but a recent literature review found the 2 degree limitation “inadequate” and concluded that limiting global warming to no more than 1.5 degrees would “come with several advantages.”

To quantify what that would mean for people living in coastal areas, a group of researchers employed a global network of tide gauges to create probabilistic, localized sea-level projections that assess differences in the frequency of storm surges and other extreme sea-level events across three scenarios: global increases of 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 degrees Celsius. They used long-term hourly tide gauge records and extreme value theory to estimate present and future return periods of extreme sea-level events through the 22nd century.


They concluded that by 2150, the seemingly small difference between an increase of 1.5 and 2.0 degrees C would mean the inundation of lands currently home to about 5 million people, including 60,000 who live on small island nations.


The study was published online in Environmental Research Letters on Feb. 2, 2018 by researchers at Princeton University working with colleagues at Rutgers and Tufts Universities.


In addition, they found that higher temperatures will make extreme events much more common. In New York City, for example, they estimate that “100-year floods” will become annual events under a 1.5 degree rise and twice-annual events with a 2.0 degree rise.


Extreme sea levels are defined as the combined height of high tide plus storm surge (sometimes called the storm tide). When driven by hurricanes or other large storms, extreme sea levels flood coastal areas, threatening life and property. Rising mean sea levels are already magnifying the frequency and severity of extreme sea levels, and experts predict that by the end of the century, coastal flooding may be among the costliest impacts of climate change in some regions.


The risk from is exacerbated by the rising , which in turn depends on the trajectory of global mean surface temperature. Even if are stabilized, sea levels are expected to continue to rise for centuries, due to the long residence time of anthropogenic carbon dioxide, the thermal inertia of the ocean, and the slow response of large ice sheets to forcing.


Overall, the researchers predicted that by 2100, a 1.5 degree temperature increase will drive the global mean sea level up by 19 inches (48 centimeters, 90 percent credible interval of 28–82 cm), while a 2.0 degree increase will raise oceans by 22 inches (56 cm, 90 percent credible interval of 28–96 cm), and a 2.5 degree increase will raise sea level by 23 inches (58 cm, 90 percent credible interval of 37–93 cm). As an independent comparison, a semi-empirical sea level model calibrated to temperature and global mean sea level over the past two millennia made similar predictions, within 7 to 8 centimeters of these projections.

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This article and images were originally posted on [ – latest science and technology news stories] March 9, 2018 at 09:09AM. Credit to Author and – latest science and technology news stories | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




PS4 Exclusive Days Gone Has Been Delayed

Your daily selection of the hottest trending gaming news!

According to GameSpot

Sony’s upcoming PS4 zombie game Days Gone has been delayed. Having originally been scheduled for this year, the survival game will now launch in 2019. “We can confirm that Days Gone will now be releasing in 2019 and we will keep you updated on the launch date,” Sony told GameSpot. The company did not mention why the game has been delayed.

Sony Worldwide Studio president Shuhei Yoshida had previously stated the game would launch at some point in 2018, though it was not clear–and still isn’t–at what point in the year that would be. Not much of the game has been shown off so far; audiences have simply seen a glimpse of the same section played during the day and at night.

Days Gone was first announced at E3 2016. It’s in development at the Sony-owned Bend Studio, which previously made Uncharted: Golden Abyss on PS Vita and the Syphon Filter series. We still don’t know exactly when it will launch, but we did recently learn when we’ll get to play another PS4 exclusive; Detroit: Become Human’s release date has been confirmed as May 25.

In other PS4 news, there’s a new system update out now and March’s PS Plus games are now available. They include Bloodborne and Ratchet & Clank–check out the full PS Plus lineup for March here.

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This article and images were originally posted on [GameSpot] March 9, 2018 at 11:22AM. Credit to Author and GameSpot | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




Waymo Is Testing Self-Driving Trucks in Georgia

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According to Feed: All Latest

Update: On Friday, March 9, 2018, Waymo announced that next week, it will start testing its self-driving trucks in Georgia, delivering unspecified cargo bound for its sister company Google’s data centers in Atlanta (with human safety drivers at the wheel, just in case). The company hasn’t made public its plans to commercialize this technology, but robo-trucking is clearly a big opportunity: Earlier this week, Uber announced a similar test program in Arizona, and startup Starsky Robotics sent its semi on a ride down a public road in Florida with nobody inside. This story, about the budding and booming self-driving truck market, originally ran on June 2, 2017.

With the likes of Daimler, Volvo, and Uber working on self-driving trucks, it’s no surprise that the granddaddy of autonomous vehicles, Waymo, is getting in on the big-rig action too. Waymo (formerly the Google driverless car program, and now a standalone company under the Alphabet umbrella) is working to commercialize its technology, and today confirmed it’s exploring how its self-driving know-how can transform the trucking industry.

“Self-driving technology can transport people and things much more safely than we do today and reduce the thousands of trucking-related deaths each year,” Waymo said in a statement. That’s true. Truck crashes kill 4,000 people on US roads every year, and injure 116,000 more.

But there’s also a compelling commercial argument. There’s a shortage of truck drivers now, which the American Trucking Associations predicts could worsen, leaving the industry short 175,000 drivers by 2024. Computers could pick up some of that slack, and also cut down on crashes that cost businesses money and time.

Waymo has eight years of data on how to build autonomous vehicles, and now it’s figuring out how to apply that to trucks, rather than passenger cars. Waymo has started on its private track in California while it works out the details like where to put the sensors on 53-foot trailers, and how hard a truck can safely brake and accelerate. Later this year it’s planning road tests in Arizona, with a human backup behind the wheel.

Over the long term, Waymo hopes to have autonomous trucks tackle the long, monotonous routes, with humans doing more complex local driving. Technologically, that makes sense. Without things like traffic lights or pedestrians, interstate driving is relatively simple. Google’s test vehicles were cruising highways back in 2012. Navigating surface streets is a tougher proposition, especially in a large vehicle where a small mistake can do serious damage.

That strategy implies, however, that Waymo may have to break from a core tenet of its approach: that the best way to operate an autonomous vehicle is with zero human involvement, ever. Trucks may spend the vast majority of their time on the highway, but they still need to navigate local roads at some point. That likely means involving a flesh and blood driver, at least if it wants a working system anytime soon. And as well as dealing with that tough, last mile, driving, the human on board has a few crucial roles that a computer still can’t perform. Pumping gas for example, or performing quick maintenance tasks like knocking ice off brakes. But given reportedly increased pressure from Alphabet to start making money, Waymo may be willing to compromise.

Whatever it decides, the trucking world has become a whole lot more interesting in recent years. As well as the established truck makers, smaller companies are vying for a piece of the 18-wheel action. It wouldn’t be surprising if Tesla’s semi-truck, due to be unveiled in September, has some self-driving skills. Startup Starsky Robotics is building remote-control big-rigs, where a human can dial in and drive the tricky bits. Peloton Technology is working out how to string chains of autonomous trucks together so they can slipstream each other like a massive highway train. Waymo may be the granddad of self-driving cars, but when it comes to trucks, it’s just another startup.

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This article and images were originally posted on [Feed: All Latest] March 9, 2018 at 01:06PM. Credit to Author and Feed: All Latest | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day







Tesla starts posting jobs for new Model Y program ahead of the launch

Your daily selection of the hottest trending tech news!

According to Electrek

Screen Shot 2018-03-10 at 9.38.31 AM

Recent comments by CEO Elon Musk have led people to believe that Tesla may soon unveil the Model Y, the automaker’s upcoming all-electric CUV.

Now the company has started posting job listings for engineers to join the new Model Y program.

Last month, Musk said that  Tesla plans to unveil the Model Y production plans in the next 3-6 months and that the company will start capital investment into the program this year. This indicates that Tesla could be aiming to start producing the vehicle within the next two years even though they have yet to unveil a prototype.

Now, the company has open positions for in ‘New Programs Engineering’ for ‘Mechanical Design Engineers’ at “multiple levels.”

The job description on their website states:

“The New Programs Engineering, Design Engineer is responsible for designing, developing, and delivering prototype level components and systems for the Tesla Model Y program as well as future Tesla product programs.”

The job is based in Hawthorne, where Tesla’s Design Studio is located. At this location, Tesla’s design and engineering teams work on prototypes of future vehicles and other products.

Last year, Musk surprised people when he said that Model Y will be built on a new platform for production in “late 2019 to 2020”. This is a change from their previous plan to build the vehicle on the Model 3 platform in order to bring it to market faster.

Musk later walked back on his latest announcement and said that Tesla will go back to its original plan in order to bring the car to market sooner.

Nonetheless, he added that the automaker plans some significant upgrades to the platform to make it easier to manufacture.

As previously reported, the Model Y is expected to be a compact utility vehicle with similar range and capacity as the Model 3. At one point, Musk said that it could feature Falcon Wing doors like the Model X.

Electrek’s Take

Tesla has been reportedly working on the Model Y for almost as long as they have been working on the Model 3. The vehicle is certainly an important part of Musk’s plan to reach a production of more than 1 million vehicles per year in 2020.

The Model Y is pretty much required to be in volume production in 2020 in order for Tesla to reach that goal.

I have no doubt that if they are working on the prototype now, they could unveil it in the second half of the year with their plan for production, but then they would have to deliver on those plans in just over a year.

It’s an even shorter development cycle than for the Model 3 and we all know what was the result on the production ramp.

Granted, if the vehicle shares enough parts with the Model 3, it could be easier, but Musk almost made it sound like they would build a new factory to produce the Model Y, which makes the timeline sound almost impossible.

In short, I do think that we are going to see the Model Y soon, probably around the time that Tesla reaches a production of ~5,000 Model 3 vehicles per week since they will not want to shift the focus too much as long as they are having difficulties with the production ramp of the Model 3.

But as for the production plan of the Model Y, it still remains a mystery to me.

What do you think? Let us know in the comment section below.


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This article and images were originally posted on [Electrek] March 9, 2018 at 12:45PM. Credit to Author and Electrek | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day



How to Turn Google Maps Into Mario Kart

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According to Lifehacker



Back in 2014, Google teamed up with Nintendo to hide Pokémon across Maps and it was surprisingly fun—paving the way for Pokémon Go. Now, the two companies are working together again to transform your turn-by-turn driving directions into a little homage to Mario Kart.

The latest Google Maps Easter egg is set to roll out just in time for Mario Day, which is apparently March 10. (Get it? MAR10? We sigh.) For a week starting this Saturday you can replace your usual location icon in Maps with an image of Mario riding a go kart—red homing shells not included.


To summon the mustachioed plumber, make sure your Maps app is updated. Pull up driving directions like you normally would and look for a suspicious-looking yellow question mark block to the left of the regular Start button. Tap it, and off you “a-go” with the image of a cartoon plumber on a kart instead of an arrow in a circle.

I have a feeling this little trick may have something to do with the Mario Kart smartphone game, which is set to come out anytime between April 2018 and March 2019. Until then, this cross-branded Easter egg will have to do.

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This article and images were originally posted on [Lifehacker] March 9, 2018 at 12:40PM. Credit to Author and Lifehacker | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day





[Video] The Evolution of QLED: 5 Ways That Samsung Enhanced Its Latest QLED TVs

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According to Samsung Global Newsroom

The 2018 Samsung QLED TV has evolved again. This year’s models take QLED innovation and versatility to new heights, thanks to enhancements that have made the TVs that much more immersive, intelligent and in tune with users’ lifestyles. Let’s take a closer look at the 2018 QLED TVs that redefine expectations for immersion, utility and design.

1. Extra-large 75-inch TV, Presence in All Lineup

The TV is getting bigger. Regardless of the size of the living room, large-size TVs tend to be preferred, and TVs in this category (over 75 inches) are expected to grow by more than 30~40% each year. That’s why the 2018 QLED TV lineup features more models over 75 inches than in previous years.

Each QLED TV offers truly immersive visuals that have been optimized by Samsung’s Q-Engine technology to reduce or eliminate issues that can affect other large TVs, such as noise and juddering. This allows the TVs to provide superior image quality compared to other large displays and makes fast-paced action in a sport or scene appear smoother and more realistic.

What’s more, the 8K QLED TV to be launched in the second half of this year is equipped with high-definition conversion technology that uses artificial intelligence to upscale the picture up to 8K. As a result, users will be able to immerse themselves in the content on a large screen regardless of the image source.

2. Deeper Contrast in Any Environment

When it comes to producing accurate images, contrast is key. In 2018, Samsung QLED TV dramatically improved contrast ratio and deep color with its 100% color volume.

Samsung’s QLED TVs feature a new ‘Direct Full Array’ that carefully regulates brightness. This cutting-edge technology employs a full grid of LED backlights to ensure that each section of the screen is accurately illuminated in order to deliver the best possible image quality. This feature allows the QLED TVs to darken specific areas of the screen while simultaneously illuminating others. This creates dazzling contrast – with brighter brights and darker darks – and allows content that’s been optimized to feature rich, nuanced color, such as HDR10+ video, to really shine.

Additionally, ‘Ultra Black Elite’ is a new anti-reflection technology that makes on-screen blacks perfect. It eliminates screen reflection to ensure that images remain sharp and vibrant at any angle.

3. Bixby Support, Easy Connect & Content Share

Many people feel a hassle to install a separate app and use the cloud. The 2018 QLED TV is based on a new platform called ‘SmartThings’, a cloud solution called ‘SmartThings Cloud’ and a single AI called ‘Bixby’. It automatically recognizes devices and provides the convenience of connecting and managing all devices through a single cloud.

The new Samsung QLED TV can easily connect with other devices simply through a click on the mobile app. In addition, ‘Bixby’ can be used to recognize complex search queries and perform entertainment functions, as well as control other home appliances in the house. The ‘One Remote Control’ function, which handles all devices connected to the TV, and the ‘Universal Guide’, which collects and displays the content that consumers usually like on one screen, make it easier and faster for users to get straight to their favorites.

4. Ambient Mode Without Burn-in

The TV is the hub of home entertainment. However, except for four to five hours of TV viewing a day, it stays on the black screen all day, providing little additional value. Now, Samsung has rebuilt the off screen of its QLED TV into a display that provides a beautiful and practical experience.

‘Ambient Mode’ allows you to view information such as weather, time, and news, or to display pictures and videos on the screen even when you are not watching TV. The TV screen completely melts into the surrounding space, eliminating the monotony of a black screen and providing a new TV experience. Notably, the 2018 QLED TV can operate in ambient mode for 24 hours a day without burn-in. The burn-in free technology means the TV does not fade or suffer from image retention – even after long periods.

5. One Invisible Connection Makes More…

Cables and peripherals that are connected to a TV in a complex way tend to interfere with the overall aesthetic of the interior. The 2018 Samsung QLED TV provides a solution that takes into account the space where the TV is installed. It’s called One Invisible Connection and it combines data and power lines to make sure the limited space around the TV isn’t obstructed by multiple wires.

One Invisible Connection integrates everything from the last year’s Invisible Connection, which connects the complicated lines of peripheral devices with a single data cable, to the power line of the TV. It is the first in the industry to simultaneously transmit large capacity AV data and power over a single cable. In addition, it can be extended up to 15m, so you can freely position the TV regardless of where the power source is. Users can also control various peripherals through ‘One Connect Box’ which means the infra-red signal from the remote control can be directed at just one device.

*Specific features may vary by region and market

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This article and images were originally posted on [Samsung Global Newsroom] March 8, 2018 at 09:27PM. Credit to Author and Samsung Global Newsroom | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day