Zen Studios Shares Tips for PS VR Titles Pinball FX2, CastleStorm VR, More

Your daily selection of the hottest trending gaming news!

According to PlayStation.Blog

One thing to know about us at, Zen Studios, is that we are every bit as much into virtual reality as you are. This is why we develop games for this revolutionary platform and why we can’t wait to tell you all about them. We know a lot of you are new to the platform after getting PS VR as an incredibly awesome gift for the holidays, so we figured now’s a great time not only to give you a nice rundown of all Zen has to offer, but also to provide a few tips, straight outta our home office in Budapest.

Let’s hit the ground running with an epic and funny fantasy adventure! If you pre-order Out of Ammo, our newest title coming on January 30, you will receive CastleStorm VR for free! You can bolster your VR library on the double!

CastleStorm VR

CastleStorm VRCastleStorm VR

What is CastleStorm VR all about? Plan your castle carefully, and place your important rooms in strategic positions as you battle Vikings, orcs and fire-breathing dragons in this tower-defense/RPG hybrid. All this in the unprecedented viewpoint of VR – making the perfect headshot with your ballista has never been easier!

Zen Tips: Turkey for everyone! If you can’t bring down the unstoppable Golem who’s battering your gate, then load your Turkey Elixir into the catapult and smash it into his rock-face. Berserkers or Wolves are very fond of turkeys, so spawn in some of them to follow up. The results will be funny. Good hunting!

Royal Architecture: Your castle can never be too large! Build multiple rooms of your favorite troop type and ensure that a lucky stone from your opponent doesn’t disable the production of your army. The safest area of your castle is in the bottom part of the far side from your foe.

Infinite Minigolf for PS VRInfinite Minigolf for PS VR

Speaking of aiming carefully, in Infinite Minigolf you’ll have to angle your shots perfectly to score a coveted hole in one! With over 20,000 holes created by the community, you are sure to find all kinds of challenges in a charming environment. Use the powerups to your advantage, and fly, jump or speed across the golf course, and seize the world record on each creation! You can even challenge opponents in Multiplayer matches while getting the edge in perception with your PlayStation VR headset.

Zen Tips: If you see the Fly (indicated with a ball with wings) and the Heavy (a big dumbbell) power-ups bunched up, that means you’ll have to make a very precise landing! Make sure to activate the flying power-up right before picking up the Heavy. Then, when you see your target, press the button again, and the weight of your ball will pull you down right away.

Pinball FX2 for PS VRPinball FX2 for PS VR

If you grew up spending all your quarters in arcades, then you are old friends with pinball machines. The closest you can get to the real thing in a video game format is Pinball FX2 VR! With a variety of totally different pinball tables and breathtaking environments, this is how video game pinball is supposed to be played.

Make sure to hit the ball where the lights flash, and follow the instructions on the dot-matrix display – that’s your ticket to the top of the leaderboards! Remember, multiballs can take you a long way just keep those balls in play!

Zen Tips: During a monster battle on “Epic Quest” – an actual pinball RPG – there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Pay close attention to the health of the monster and your own. These are indicated left and right of the flippers.
  • A timer will go down indicating when the monster will attack. If you shoot the Sword ramp, you’ll hit him and the timer will reset!
  • If you are a daring knight, hitting the Smash target will land a critical hit but will not reset this timer, so you may end up with a dent in your armor!

Out of Ammo for PS VROut of Ammo for PS VR

Out of Ammo, developed in collaboration with RocketWerkz is a title that was so beloved on PC, we absolutely wanted the PlayStation community to enjoy it as well.

In Out of Ammo you can assume the role of a battlefield commander and plan your defense carefully to repel the enemy. Build up towers and barricades, while assigning your troops to key points. To execute your strategy to the letter, you might have to take matters into your own hands sometimes. Assume the roles of your soldiers, and rush into battle guns blazing in a first-person view.

Zen Tips: The five rules of a successful general:

  • Use your airstrikes in emergencies.
  • An enemy at a chokepoint is a controlled enemy.
  • It’s always easier to repair something than build it anew.
  • A clear line of sight can make or break a defense.
  • It never hurts to fire a few rounds yourself. 😉

Don’t forget, you can pre-order Out of Ammo today and receive CastleStorm VR for free with the purchase to help your wait until the January 30 release!

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  • Got any news, tips or want to contact us directly? Email esistme@gmail.com


This article and images were originally posted on [PlayStation.Blog] December 26, 2017 at 11:12AM. Credit to Author and PlayStation.Blog | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day





Thank you for my new Raspberry Pi, Santa! What next?

Your daily selection of the hottest trending tech news!

According to Raspberry Pi

Note: the Pi Towers team have peeled away from their desks to spend time with their families over the festive season, and this blog will be quiet for a while as a result. We’ll be back in the New Year with a bushel of amazing projects, awesome resources, and much merriment and fun times. Happy holidays to all!

Now back to the matter at hand. Your brand new Christmas Raspberry Pi.

Your new Raspberry Pi

Did you wake up this morning to find a new Raspberry Pi under the tree? Congratulations, and welcome to the Raspberry Pi community! You’re one of us now, and we’re happy to have you on board.

But what if you’ve never seen a Raspberry Pi before? What are you supposed to do with it? What’s all the fuss about, and why does your new computer look so naked?

Setting up your Raspberry Pi

Are you comfy? Good. Then let us begin.

Download our free operating system

First of all, you need to make sure you have an operating system on your micro SD card: we suggest Raspbian, the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s official supported operating system. If your Pi is part of a starter kit, you might find that it comes with a micro SD card that already has Raspbian preinstalled. If not, you can download Raspbian for free from our website.

An easy way to get Raspbian onto your SD card is to use a free tool called Etcher. Watch The MagPi’s Lucy Hattersley show you what you need to do. You can also use NOOBS to install Raspbian on your SD card, and our Getting Started guide explains how to do that.

Plug it in and turn it on

Your new Raspberry Pi 3 comes with four USB ports and an HDMI port. These allow you to plug in a keyboard, a mouse, and a television or monitor. If you have a Raspberry Pi Zero, you may need adapters to connect your devices to its micro USB and micro HDMI ports. Both the Raspberry Pi 3 and the Raspberry Pi Zero W have onboard wireless LAN, so you can connect to your home network, and you can also plug an Ethernet cable into the Pi 3.

Make sure to plug the power cable in last. There’s no ‘on’ switch, so your Pi will turn on as soon as you connect the power. Raspberry Pi uses a micro USB power supply, so you can use a phone charger if you didn’t receive one as part of a kit.

Learn with our free projects

If you’ve never used a Raspberry Pi before, or you’re new to the world of coding, the best place to start is our projects site. It’s packed with free projects that will guide you through the basics of coding and digital making. You can create projects right on your screen using Scratch and Python, connect a speaker to make music with Sonic Pi, and upgrade your skills to physical making using items from around your house.

Here’s James to show you how to build a whoopee cushion using a Raspberry Pi, paper plates, tin foil and a sponge:

Whoopee cushion PRANK with a Raspberry Pi: HOW-TO

Explore the world of Raspberry Pi physical computing with our free FutureLearn courses: http://rpf.io/futurelearn Free make your own Whoopi Cushion resource: http://rpf.io/whoopi For more information on Raspberry Pi and the charitable work of the Raspberry Pi Foundation, including Code Club and CoderDojo, visit http://rpf.io Our resources are free to use in schools, clubs, at home and at events.

Diving deeper

You’ve plundered our projects, you’ve successfully rigged every chair in the house to make rude noises, and now you want to dive deeper into digital making. Good! While you’re digesting your Christmas dinner, take a moment to skim through the Raspberry Pi blog for inspiration. You’ll find projects from across our worldwide community, with everything from home automation projects and retrofit upgrades, to robots, gaming systems, and cameras.

You’ll also find bucketloads of ideas in The MagPi magazine, the official monthly Raspberry Pi publication, available in both print and digital format. You can download every issue for free. If you subscribe, you’ll get a Raspberry Pi Zero W to add to your new collection. HackSpace magazine is another fantastic place to turn for Raspberry Pi projects, along with other maker projects and tutorials.

And, of course, simply typing “Raspberry Pi projects” into your preferred search engine will find thousands of ideas. Sites like Hackster, Hackaday, Instructables, Pimoroni, and Adafruit all have plenty of fab Raspberry Pi tutorials that they’ve devised themselves and that community members like you have created.

And finally

If you make something marvellous with your new Raspberry Pi – and we know you will – don’t forget to share it with us! Our Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Google+ accounts are brimming with chatter, projects, and events. And our forums are a great place to visit if you have questions about your Raspberry Pi or if you need some help.

It’s good to get together with like-minded folks, so check out the growing Raspberry Jam movement. Raspberry Jams are community-run events where makers and enthusiasts can meet other makers, show off their projects, and join in with workshops and discussions. Find your nearest Jam here.

Have a great festive holiday and welcome to the community. We’ll see you in 2018!

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  • Got any news, tips or want to contact us directly? Email esistme@gmail.com


This article and images were originally posted on [Raspberry Pi] December 25, 2017 at 03:11AM. Credit to Author and Raspberry Pi | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




The FOO show| Will Smith’s Top 7 Games of 2017

Your daily selection of the hottest trending gaming news!

According to Giant Bomb’s Site Mashup

Screen Shot 2017-12-26 at 3.53.46 PM


Will Smith hosts The FOO Show (new episodes on Steam now), makes live cartoons featuring Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force and a talking Fleshlight, and hunts humans for sport most nights on Twitch. You can follow him on Twitter too.

UNDISPUTED GAME OF THE YEAR 2017: PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds

It turns out, I really enjoy hunting people for sport. At a time when I thought I was officially done playing competitive online shooters, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds arrived and proved me wrong.

For me, PUBG is about more than chicken dinners. In the beginning, the thing that hooked me was the tension that the battle royale creates. At the end of my first final circle, I had the same shaking hands, sweaty palms, and speeding heart rate I’d only experienced before from surviving actual physical danger, like a near-miss car crash. I had never played a game that evoked this kind of physical reaction before.

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Those early games were a delicious mixture of anticipation, fear, and dread that have never really gone away, even as I clear 800 hours played. The scariest thing I’ve ever seen in a game is another person in a solo game of PUBG.

After a few dozen solo games, I realized that having the reaction time of a 40-year-old man wasn’t the handicap in PUBG that it is in a close combat game, like Counter-strike, COD, or Rainbow Six Siege. PUBG works because playing strategically–knowing where and when to engage, how to set up an ambush, and when to run away–is as important as being able to identify a target at 500m, target them, and nail that headshot in two tenths of a second.

The game has always been about communication–but in the beginning, there was no shared language to describe the game’s features. Early on, PUBG had a secrets economy. When I started playing in squads, everyone had different shorthand for everything–different groups I played with called the same towers Harry Potters, wizard towers, or two story bunkers. In the time before the map was labeled, we all had different names for the prison, the shelter, the farm, and more. It was confusing, but it was very reminiscent of the schoolyard talk I had as a kid after a big game like Zelda or Super Mario Bros. 2 came out.

I started hearing about new places to check out. “Hey, have you heard about the secret bunker between Severny and Zharki?” “Did you know you can jump up on the roof of the houses east of Rohzok?” “Do you know how to crouch jump?” That same evolution affected loadouts. Flash hiders were replaced by compensators, angled grips replaced verts, and we all learned how to use the different scopes most effectively.

Once I started playing regularly with the same group of people (Thanks Discord!), the true genius of the game became obvious. After spending hundreds of hours hunting people with the same handful of people, we’ve developed the same kind of squad sixth-sense you get from playing a team sport with someone. I know what my squadmates are going to do when I get pinned down. I know how I should react when one of my squadmates is under fire without having to think about it.

In the beginning, a lot of the fun was figuring out what you could even do in PUBG. After that, lucking into my first win was one of the biggest video game accomplishments. Then, learning how to loot to be an effective squaddie took time. But more than anything else, tracking the everchanging meta of combat and hitting my own personal skill plateaus and figuring out what I could do to move beyond them has been incredibly rewarding.

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The progress made in PUBG through this early access year has been astounding too. At first, I was worried that smoothing off PUBG’s rough edges–adding vaulting, making vehicle physics more realistic, and getting rid of the weird physics jank that was omnipresent in the game at launch–would lessen the appeal of the game for me. But somehow, the constant pace of change has improved the game measurably over the last year, and the constant evolution of the meta will keep me coming back for a long time. The addition of a second map, one whose design is clearly informed by the way people actually played on the first one, has made an already great game even better.

6 Tips for Success at PUBG

  • Use headphones and turn the bass down. Direction sounds are almost all high frequency, so bass fuzzes out the signals you get from shots.

  • Don’t shoot at people if you aren’t sure you can kill them (and preferably loot them too)

  • Get good at the most common weapons first. Practice shooting at moving targets with the guns on the picnic tables before the match starts, but don’t spend too much time with the crate weapons and the sniper rifles. Most games will start with a Micro-Uzi, an UMP, or a pistol before you find even a common AR. The easiest time to kill someone is at the start of the game.

  • Once you’re good at looting, spend some time at the school or the military base to get lots of combat time in. You’ll die a lot, but better to die quickly than spend 30 minutes looting and running through fields only to die before taking a shot.

  • Killing someone who has looted a bunch is as good as looting a bunch yourself, but only if you can loot their body without getting killed yourself.

  • You can almost always run away from a fight. It’s much better to save your ammo, armor, and health if you’re in a fight that will be tough to win, especially early in the game.


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I love crosswords and puzzles games. This little nugget lies right at the crossroads between those two things. My wife and I were locked in a heated battle almost every day this year, courtesy of Typeshift’s daily challenge.


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Breath of the Wild is a wild nostalgia trip. It made me feel like I did when I was a kid, playing the original Legend of Zelda on my NES. There was lots of talk early this year about Zelda reinventing itself, but I don’t really think that’s what happened. Instead, they went back to the franchise’s earliest roots (Do you remember how open the very first Zelda was?) and built a new game that minimized the item-gated through line that’s been a Zelda staple since A Link to the Past. Instead, they gave players all the tools needed to traverse the world up front and trusted them to find their own paths.

What Nintendo started with A Link Between Worlds reached its natural conclusion in Breath of the Wild. Decoupling story progress from puzzle completion frees players to explore the amazing systems-driven world they built. The result was delicious. When I play Breath of the Wild, I feel more like an actual explorer braving a treacherous and beautiful world than any other single player game I’ve ever played.


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The folks at Owlchemy are virtual reality geniuses. In the hands of lesser developers, bringing Rick Sanchez’s garage to life in VR could have been the cheapest of cheap tricks–nothing but plumbus jokes in between bad shooting gallery segments. Owlchemy’s refusal to shy away from tough problems–whether it’s controlling Meeseeks or the development nightmare of the Combinator–resulted in an experience that was more fun than I could have expected.


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Bennett Foddy is one of the world’s greatest monsters. What did Bennett do? He built another one of his nightmare creations (see also: QWOP, Super Pole Riders, and Get On Top), then he layered on top a soothing soundtrack and gentle reminders that it’s ok to fail that only play when you fail. This game makes me want to stab my own eyes out every time I play. I can’t stop playing. Please send help.


Before I played Nidhogg II, I thought Nidhogg was a perfect game. Nidhogg II is better. Even with the bow and arrow.


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I’m a sucker for puzzle adventure games that are more busy boxes for adults than actual puzzle games. I’m talking about gorgeous games like The Room and Monument Valley, where you just tap around the screen until eventually you luck into the right solution. I play them all, but they bum me out. At the end, I feel like the dumbest rat in the lab, the one who always pushes at levers with no idea which one delivers the food pellet and which will unleash the electric shock.

Gorogoa takes the gorgeous world design from these games, but fills the world with real, integrated puzzles. Random tapping won’t get the job done, you need to use the tools the world provides to actually solve the puzzles. Don’t miss this if you’re on iOS.

VR Games You Should Play If You Have a Headset: Space Pirate Trainer 1.0, Lone Echo,

VR Games You Should Play If You Have a Headset and Friends with Headsets: Rec Room Quests, Star Trek: Bridge Crew

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  • Got any news, tips or want to contact us directly? Email esistme@gmail.com


This article and images were originally posted on [Giant Bomb’s Site Mashup] December 26, 2017 at 01:06PM. Credit to Author and Giant Bomb’s Site Mashup | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




A Tesla Model 3 is listed for sale at $120,000?

Your daily selection of the hottest trending tech news!

According to Electrek

Tesla started delivering the Model 3 in higher volumes this week and we are seeing new owners already testing the market again.

Now a new Model 3 is apparently going up for auction starting at $120,000.

Tesla made early Model 3 owners benefiting from the “employee special priority” delivery sign an agreement to prevent them from selling the vehicle for a profit.

The company wrote in an email to employees about to purchase the Model 3:

“Because employees are receiving special priority, all Model 3 cars prioritized to employees must be registered to you or your family member and may not be resold for more than the original price. Reservation holders will agree to these terms when their order is placed.”

But there have been doubts about the enforceability of such an agreement from the beginning.

Now that customer deliveries without “employee special priority” are starting, Model 3 vehicles not bound to the agreement regardless of its enforceability are going on the market.

Someone is now listing a Model 3 goes on sale at $120,000 on Craiglist:

That’s about a 100% premium over the price of the electric vehicle brand new and it’s not even the highest we have seen so far. The first used Tesla Model 3 listed for sale had an asking price of $150,000 in October.

Electrek’s Take

I think there are a few important things to take into account here.

First off, be careful of fake ads. With all the attention around the Model 3, there could be people trying to scam buyers.

There have been instances of people listing coveted items on eBay and Craiglist and asking deposit sight-unseen.

Of course, we would recommend against that.

In this case, there’s strangely no picture taken from inside the vehicle, which is always a red flag, though there are pictures taken with the doors open.

The VIN comes back positive, which is also a good sign, but VINs are easily visible from outside the vehicle so it’s not a guarantee either. Interestingly, the VIN is low for a vehicle delivered to a regular customer so this could be a vehicle with employee priority delivery.

Most Model 3 VINs confirmed to regular buyers have been #2000 and up.

Lastly, what’s up with the price? I have no problem with people trying to flip the vehicle for a profit since it’s in high demand and if you don’t want to wait, that can be worth a premium to some people.

But $120,000 is pushing it to a different level.

I don’t think anyone is going to pay that price just to get it sooner and it’s not like this is going to be a collector item either. We estimate that there could already be as many as 1,000 Model 3 vehicles on the road today and there will likely be hundreds of thousands by this time next year.

In my opinion, if anyone is buying this Model 3 at the asking price, it’s going to be an automaker looking to benchmark or reverse-engineer a Model 3, which happened to Tesla’s other vehicles in the past.

Anybody else would just get a Model S P100D for that price instead. No?

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  • Got any news, tips or want to contact us directly? Email esistme@gmail.com


This article and images were originally posted on [Electrek] December 23, 2017 at 10:55AM. Credit to Author and Electrek | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




Tiny houses in 2017: More flexible, clever than ever

Your daily selection of the hottest trending tech news!

According to Curbed – All

Very impressive

It’s the end of 2017, which means tiny houses are kind of old news. By that we mean, this has been another year of so many new micro homes on wheels (or not) in all shapes, sizes, styles, and settings—which also means that it now takes a lot to impress.

Still, the year was not without some truly wow-worthy designs. Below, we recap the best tiny residences we covered in 2017 (though we did love this tiny house library as well). Whether it’s through innovative layout and engineering, or next-level interiors and amenities, these selections suggest that the tiny living world is as creative as ever and, perhaps, the best is yet to come.

1. The tiny house with twin “pop-out” rooms

The Aurora from Canadian builder ZeroSquared is an expandable tiny house with two motorized pop-out rooms that create over 374 square feet of living and storage space. The slide-outs allow a wide living space at the center of the house, big enough for a Queen-size Murphy bed on one side and a sofa and flatscreen TV on the other. The kitchen and bathroom are at the two ends of the house. Intrigued? That’ll be $88,900, please.

2. The two-is-better-than-one tiny house

Craig Williams for Viva Collectiv

Setting aside the basic premise that tiny homes are supposed to be tiny, the Ohana from Viva Collectiv is rather ingenious, combining two tiny homes and an open-air sunroom into one impressive compact family home. One wing holds the kitchen, bathroom, and master bedroom, while the other contains the living room and lofted bedroom for the kids. An honorable mention with a similar ethos is this clever tiny house with a second trailer for a porch and greenhouse.

3. The tiny house that’s kind of like a double-decker bus

Major tiny house builder Escape released a go-big-or-go-home model this year in the One XL, which features trendy Shou Sugi Ban charred siding, a large picture window, option for French doors, and nearly 400 square feet of living space. It can sleep up to eight with two lofts and a spacious common area. Introductory pricing starts at $69,800.

4. The airy modern stunner

Readers absolutely loved the new Roadhaus design from turn-key cabin builder Wheelhaus. Available in sizes of between 160 to 240 square feet, the modern-meets-industrial Roadhouse has tons of glazing, a kitchenette, and chrome-tiled bathroom. It starts at $76,000 and can be used as a main residence, guesthouse, or backyard office.

5. The DIY transformer

elevator bed in tiny house
Ana White

A motorized drop-down bed? Yup, self-taught carpenter Ana White and her husband, Jacob, did just that for this 24-foot-long tiny house. In addition to the $500 DIY retractable bed, the sectional sofa can also be rearranged into a guest bed, while modular storage cubes can serve as portable steps.

6. The tiny house that redefines “luxury”

Following up on the jaw-dropping Alpha tiny house, the Escher from New Frontier Tiny Homes is bigger, pricier, and just as if not more luxurious. The 300-square-foot design, which sports sleek, industrial vibes, has one cantilevered master bedroom tucked behind doors in the kitchen area and a second loft above the bathroom. You’ve got to take a look at all the photos, because this house is bout details, details, details.

7. The Craftsman Charmer

Everything you loved about Craftsman homes is channeled in small-scale in this design from Handcrafted Movement. The 290-square-foot model features deep blue wall paneling, herringbone floors, a curved oak butcher block countertop, geometric open shelving, farmhouse sink, and a loft under a skylight.

8. The tiny house with a pizza oven

This “European-inspired” tiny house built by Florida couple Roberta and Rebekah Sofia is full of charming touches, from custom reclaimed windows to, yes, a pizza oven fireplace. Arched beams, a tree branch handrail, and a little chandelier over the dining area are all details you don’t see in the average tiny home.

9. The “Earth and Sky Palace”

We gotta give it to this “Earth and Sky Palace” for totally owning its aesthetic. The home, clocking in at just under 200 square feet, offers a master bedroom, dining room, kitchen, and bath with walk-in shower. The interior also has a surround sound theater system, smartphone-controlled A/C, and “replica embossed alligator-skin wallpaper.”

10. The tiny house that offers climbing on the go

Custom designed by Tiny Heirloom, this 28-foot-long tiny house features an entire facade covered in commercial-grade reconfigurable climbing panels,. Inside, the home has a garage-style door opening, a built-in seating area, lofted office/lounge, and a kitchen with full-sized appliances, and bright blue cabinets.

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  • Got any news, tips or want to contact us directly? Email esistme@gmail.com


This article and images were originally posted on [Curbed – All] December 20, 2017 at 02:14PM. Credit to Author and Curbed – All | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




ROM Hacker Adds Color To Super Mario Land 2

Your daily selection of the hottest trending gaming news!

According to Kotaku


Super Mario Land 2 is one of the more underrated games in Nintendo’s library, with a suite of interesting ideas and some truly weird levels. It was even the first Mario game to let you go to the moon. And now it’s in color.

Thanks to ROM hacker toruzz, you can now play a sleek, colorized, lag-free version of Nintendo’s 1992 Game Boy game. Fun fact: This was Wario’s first appearance in any video game. Nintendo director Hiroji Kiyotake liked the greedy, fat villain so much, he made him into the protagonist for the sequel, Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3. Which is also a top-notch platformer. But we’re digressing.


You can check out the ROM hack here.

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  • Got any news, tips or want to contact us directly? Email esistme@gmail.com


This article and images were originally posted on [Kotaku] December 26, 2017 at 11:03AM. Credit to Author and Kotaku | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




The Nintendo Network and eShop Are Back to Life After a Festive Mishap

Your daily selection of the hottest trending gaming news!

According to Nintendo Life | Latest Updates

Going back a while now, the release of Pokemon Bank in Japan caused a festive Nintendo Network meltdown. The service was sporadic and mostly inaccessible for a few days, with Nintendo and The Pokemon Company eventually resorting to taking Pokemon Bank down.

This year hasn’t been anywhere near as dramatic, but there was a brief period of instability on the eShop – likely caused by an influx of Switch systems connecting to the Network and store. It prompted Nintendo to apologise online.

We didn’t see any notable issues when checking the eShop for North America or Europe, though we accessed the latter more often. It clearly did affect NA throughout the day; there were some getting by without too many problems while others were a little more unlucky. Some also had a pragmatic and realistic perspective on the issues.

In any case, as we type this the network is running as normal, though previously confirmed maintenance later today / tomorrow may affect some online gaming.

North America:

Tuesday, December 26, 2017 8pm Pacific / 11pm Eastern to Wednesday, December 27, 2017 1am Pacific / 4am Eastern


Wednesday, December 27, 2017 4am UK / 5am CET to Wednesday, December 27, 2017 9am UK / 10am CET

Did you have any issues with the Nintendo Network / eShop on Christmas Day?

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  • Got any news, tips or want to contact us directly? Email esistme@gmail.com


This article and images were originally posted on [Nintendo Life | Latest Updates] December 26, 2017 at 09:06AM. Credit to Author and Nintendo Life | Latest Updates | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




How to install the Ring Video Doorbell 2

Your daily selection of the hottest trending tech news!

According to CNET How To


Installing a doorbell is so much easier than you’d think. Like Ring’s original Video Doorbell, the Ring Video Doorbell 2 can be either hardwired, or powered by the included rechargeable battery. Here’s how to replace your existing buzzer with the Ring Video Doorbell 2 in no time.

Step 1: Charge and install the included battery

Even if you hardwire this doorbell, you still need to install its rechargeable battery as a backup. Unlike the first-gen Ring buzzer, this model has a removable, rechargeable battery. That feature makes it incredibly simple to charge — even after you’ve mounted the doorbell to the wall.

Simply connect the battery to the included power adapter. When the red status light disappears, the battery is fully charged.

Step 2: Download the Ring app on your phone

Download the Ring app on your iPhone or Android device. The app will be your main point of access for your Video Doorbell 2. It’s where you’ll receive alerts and be able to talk with visitors via the live video screen.

But before you can do all that, you have to connect your new doorbell to the app. Fortunately, Ring makes this process very easy — just open the app, create an account and follow the steps.

Screenshots by CNET

Step 3: Install the battery and complete the app setup

Attach the battery to the doorbell and wait for it to power on. Note: If one of the included faceplates is already attached, remove it before inserting the battery by pulling down and away from the doorbell.

Press the button on the upper right corner of the Video Doorbell 2 and select the Ring Wi-Fi network in your phone’s settings. Return to the Ring app, select your local Wi-Fi network and enter the password to connect. Now your Ring Video Doorbell 2 is online.

Step 4: Turn off power to your current doorbell

Before removing your existing wired doorbell, make sure you’ve turned off power at the circuit breaker. At this point, you can uninstall your old doorbell and set it aside.

Note: Not sold on the Ring Video Doorbell 2? Here’s an overview of Ring’s complete DIY doorbell lineup: Read more…


  • Got any news, tips or want to contact us directly? Email esistme@gmail.com


This article and images were originally posted on [CNET How To] December 26, 2017 at 08:59AM. Credit to Author and CNET How To | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




This cartographer’s deep dive into Google Maps is fascinating

Your daily selection of the hottest trending tech news!

According to The Verge

Most people who use Google Maps do so without much attention to detail. We just need the directions, the right subway route, or the name of that good sushi place. We don’t spend too much time pondering how Google got so good at mapping the world, and what decisions and choices were made along the way that have made it the go-to navigational tool of our time.

Justin O’Beirne pays attention to these types of details. He’s a cartographer who helped contribute to Apple Maps. So we should trust him when he explains — in depth — about what makes Google Maps so superior to any other mapping service.

This week, he published a fascinating essay that explains the concept of the “Google Maps’ Moat.” By this, he means the layers of data surrounding Google Maps that basically makes it basically impossible for Apple or any competitor to ever catch up. “Google has gathered so much data, in so many areas, that it’s now crunching it together and creating features that Apple can’t make — surrounding Google Maps with a moat of time,” he writes. “It makes you wonder how long back Google was planning all of this—and what it’s planning next…”

O’Beirne starts out by marveling at the level of detail available in Google Maps for even extremely small towns, such as the one where he grew up in rural Illinois. He highlights how Google, unlike Apple, is able to display the shapes of individual buildings and even smaller structures like tool sheds and mobile homes. These minute details can be found even in towns with populations in the double-digits. He uses this to lament the corresponding lack of detail in Apple Maps.

He charts the history of Google’s efforts to add buildings large and small, highlighting the search giant’s announcement from 2012 that they were “algorithmically created by taking aerial imagery and using computer vision techniques to render the building shapes.” So in addition to getting a first-person street view of your route, you can zoom outward to seeing a computer-rendered model of the surrounding area for contextual information such as the shapes and sizes of buildings.

He concludes that aerial imagery from satellites has outpaced Google’s famous Street View vehicles in the amount of data used to create these vivid tableaus. And he asks an important question: “[H]ow long until Google has every structure on Earth?”

Then things get interesting. O’Beirne introduces us to two researchers, Rachelle Annechino and Yo-Shang Cheng, who observed that people often describe the layout of their city as it relates to “main drags” or “commercial corridors.” He then goes on to describe Google’s unique approach to highlighting these “Areas of Interest” (AOI). About a year ago, these “main drags” began showing up in Google Maps as clusters of orange buildings. Google communicates these “Areas of Interest” to its users through a specific orange shading, but with a level of detail that is truly stunning.

O’Beirne writes (emphasis his):

This suggests that Google took its buildings and crunched them against its places. In other words, Google appears to be creating these orange buildings by matching its building and place datasets together[.]


So Google seems to be creating AOIs out of its building and place data. But what’s most interesting is that Google’s building and place data are themselves extracted from other Google Maps features.


In other words, Google’s buildings are byproducts of its Satellite/Aerial imagery. And some of Google’s places are byproducts of its Street View imagery…so this makes AOIs a byproduct of byproducts.

This is bonkers, isn’t it? Google is creating data out of data.

This leads O’Beirne to draw some pretty interesting conclusions. If Google has mapped all the buildings and knows precisely what businesses and points of interest are located within, then perhaps the search giant can install augmented reality windshields in its self-driving cars that tell you everything you need to know about adjacent structures. As you’re driving through a city — or being driven, rather — Google Maps can use its accumulated data to pinpoint buildings where you have an upcoming appointment, for example.

Another possibility is a ride-hailing service more accurate than Uber. An essay by The Verge’s editor-in-chief Nilay Patel makes a cameo in O’Beirne’s story to highlight the difficulty faced by ride-hailing apps like Uber and Lyft in pinpointing exact pickup and drop-off locations. Uber and Lyft drivers already use Google Maps and Google-owned Waze in such high volumes that both ride-hail services threw up their hands and integrated Google’s exceptional navigation tools into their own apps.

O’Beirne fails to mention Google’s own ride-hail ambitions. Waymo, the self-driving division of Google parent Alphabet, is developing its own ride-hail app in anticipation of launching a commercial self-driving mobility service next year. And Waze has been piloting a car-pooling service in California for the past year.

It’s clear that Google has its sights set on the lucrative ride-hailing market. And with a powerful tool like Google Maps in its arsenal, it could have its leg up over its more established players.

Read more…

  • Got any news, tips or want to contact us directly? Email esistme@gmail.com


This article and images were originally posted on [The Verge] December 24, 2017 at 11:05AM. Credit to Author and The Verge | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




Global Mobile Industry Ready to Start Full-Scale Development of 5G NR

Your daily selection of the hottest trending tech news!

According to Samsung Global Newsroom

Today the 3GPP TSG RAN Plenary Meeting in Lisbon successfully completed the first implementable 5G NR specification. AT&T, BT, China Mobile, China Telecom, China Unicom, Deutsche Telekom, Ericsson, Fujitsu, Huawei, Intel, KT Corporation, LG Electronics, LG Uplus, MediaTek Inc., NEC Corporation, Nokia, NTT DOCOMO, Orange, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., Samsung Electronics, SK Telecom, Sony Mobile Communications Inc., Sprint, TIM, Telefonica, Telia Company, T-Mobile USA, Verizon, Vodafone, and ZTE have made a statement that the completion of the first 5G NR standard has set the stage for the global mobile industry to start full-scale development of 5G NR for large-scale trials and commercial deployments as early as in 2019.

On February 27, 2017 in Barcelona, global mobile industry leaders announced their support for the acceleration of the 5G NR standardization schedule, which introduced an intermediate milestone to complete the first implementable specification for Non-Standalone 5G NR operation. As a result of this announcement, the schedule acceleration was agreed at the 3GPP RAN Plenary Meeting on March 9 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. This first specification was completed as part of 3GPP Release 15.

This standard completion is an essential milestone to enable cost-effective and full-scale development of 5G NR, which will greatly enhance the capabilities of 3GPP systems, as well as facilitate the creation of vertical market opportunities. 3GPP plans to continue to develop Release 15, including the addition of support for Standalone 5G NR operation also agreed upon by 3GPP in Dubrovnik. The 5G NR lower layer specifications have been designed so that they can support Standalone and Non-Standalone 5G NR operation in a unified way, to ensure that 3GPP benefits the global industry with a large-scale single 5G NR ecosystem. We express our appreciation for the tremendous efforts that 3GPP has dedicated to accomplishing this challenging standardization schedule.


“We’re proud to see the completion of this set of standards. Reaching this milestone enables the next phase of equipment availability and movement to interoperability testing and early 5G availability,” said Hank Kafka, VP Access Architecture and Analytics at AT&T. “It showcases the dedication and leadership of the industry participants in 3GPP to follow through on accelerating standards to allow for faster technology deployments.”


“BT welcomes the first significant step to 5G deployment and we remain excited about the further innovations that 5G will bring.” said Neil J. McRae, Chief Architect at BT, “We are proud to have played a part in this and BT is committed to continuing to drive further 5G standardisation at pace to benefit our customers and communities.”

China Mobile

“The first version of 5G NR not only provides a NSA solution for 5G deployment but also completes the common part of NSA and SA, which lay a solid foundation for a global unified 5G system with global market scale. We believe the next important milestone that is SA standard providing end to end 5G new capability could be completed by June of 2018, which is very crucial to enable the operators to explore the enterprise and vertical markets. China Mobile is actively working with industry partners for 5G commercialization in year of 2020 and providing various services to customer. ” said Zhengmao Li, EVP of China Mobile Group.

China Telecom

“China Telecom is proud of being part of the 3GPP standard efforts that led to the completion of the first implementable 5G new radio specification. We expect that this important milestone, together with the SA part to be completed later, will promote and accelerate the development of 5G products, trials and commercial deployment in the coming years,” said Liu Guiqing, EVP of China Telecom. “With this successful completion of the 5G new radio standard, China Telecom plans to lead the 5G effort by launching field trials in many major cities in China as early as 2018, and prepare for the possible commercialization thereafter.”


China Unicom

Guanglu Shao, EVP of China Unicom Group, said: “It is the significant step for both 3GPP and the whole industry. This first version of 5G NR standardization provides essential functionalities for NSA and SA deployment, which are equally important for operators. We believe in that the industry could joint together further to make 5G more advanced for both human and vertical societies. We welcome the 5G era’s coming, and will continue collaborate with industry partners to make successful 5G commercialization.”

Deutsche Telekom

“We view both the Non-Standalone and Standalone modes of New Radio as equally important for the completeness of the 5G standard specification. This timely finalization of NSA is one important step on that journey and in the development of the 5G ecosystem,” said Bruno Jacobfeuerborn, CTO Deutsche Telekom. “It is crucial that the industry now redoubles its focus on the Standalone mode to achieve progress towards a full 5G system, so we can bring key 5G innovations such as network slicing to our customers.”



Erik Ekudden, CTO at Ericsson, said: “3GPP has done a tremendous job to complete the first 5G specifications according to industry demand and expectations. As a prime contributor to 5G standardization, Ericsson has worked with industry partners in the evolution of mobile technology to a global network platform for consumers and enterprises. Our research team has worked on 5G since 2010 including early 5G testbed efforts created together with these industry partners. The open contribution-driven specification work and the rapid completion of the first 5G standards for global deployment demonstrates the strength of the 5G eco-system.”


Masayuki Seno, EVP and Head of Network Products Business Unit at Fujitsu, said: “I’m very pleased that the first 5G NR standard has been completed today. Fujitsu will accelerate development of 5G NR products based on the first 3GPP 5G NR specifications and provide them to worldwide markets to support our customers’ trials and commercial deployments.”


Yang Chaobin, president of Huawei 5G product line, said: “As one of the key players, Huawei has committed to develop a single global 5G standard. With the a successful cooperation and join efforts with global organizations including governments, regulatory agencies, research organizations, academia, industries, and many more sectors, 3GPP 5G NR standardization Phase 1 has been completed with great progress. Huawei will keep working with global partners to bring 5G into the period of large-scale global commercial deployment from 2018.”


“We are pleased to work in cooperation and close alignment with global mobile industry leaders to support the new 3GPP Non-Standalone 5G NR standard and to accelerate the first NR trials,” said Asha Keddy, Intel vice president and general manager, Next Generation and Standards. “As part of this coordinated effort, Intel will continue to play a leading role across the network, cloud and client devices; and with our first commercial 5G modems, we will help the ecosystem lead the way to 5G deployments worldwide.”

KT Corporation

Dongmyun Lee, Chief Technology Officer and Head of Institute of Convergence Technology, KT said: “As one of the 5G leaders, we are greatly excited to witness the first ever release of 5G NR NSA specification that the whole industry including KT has endeavored to achieve in recent years and therefore make a strong commitment to finally bring full-scale services of the true 5G standards to commercial market as early as 2019.”

KT expects that such 3GPP’s efforts meeting the market needs will further accelerate the realization of the 4th Industrial Revolution for telecommunication industry.”

LG Electronics

I.P. Park, Chief Technology Officer, said: “LG Electronics is pleased to be one of key contributors to the first global 5G NR standard completed in a timely manner, which will play a pivotal role in enabling innovative IoT services and expediting the convergence of diverse industry sectors. Along with continued contributions to evolved 5G standards, we will make all the efforts to introduce new innovative 5G convergence products and services in the market.”

LG Uplus

Joosik Choi, Head of 5G Strategy Planning, said: “We would like to thank to 3GPP and all companies for great effort on initial 5G NR NSA standard which will accelerate promising future. As one of the big contributor for RF analysis on LTE band, 3.5GHz and 28GHz dual connectivity operation, LG Uplus will keep endeavor for bring 5G NR deployment and advanced standard into industry for this ecosystem.”


MediaTek Inc.

“The milestone reached is significant as it is an important step towards making 5G NR a commercial reality,” said Dr. Kevin Jou, Corporate Sr. Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, MediaTek. “As a leading baseband chip provider, MediaTek has actively contributed to the standardization of 5G NR and will continue to do so. With the standard becoming stable, our focus is now on delivering viable commercial solutions that will enable the use of 5G NR technology to its full potential.”

NEC Corporation

Atsuo Kawamura, executive vice president and head of the Telecom Carrier Business Unit at NEC Corporation, said: “Completion of Non-Standalone 5G NR standardization is a significant milestone for the realization of full-scale 5G services. NEC is strongly committed to driving the progress of standardization for a global mobile system, and believes future 5G services will benefit society in an unprecedented manner by utilizing advanced information and communications technologies. NEC is creating secure and intelligent technologies to realize such services.”


Marcus Weldon, president of Nokia Bell Labs and chief technology officer, Nokia, said: “This is a key milestone in bringing 5G to market, and one in which Nokia is proud to have played a significant role. 5G will advance new possibilities for the role of wireless technology in society, leading to dynamic innovation in mobile broadband and in industrial automation for industry 4.0, enabling the creation of exciting new applications that connect and control our physical and digital worlds.”


Dr. Hiroshi Nakamura, Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, NTT DOCOMO said: “ I would like to express my deepest gratitude for 3GPP’s great effort to successfully complete the first release of 5G NR specification six months ahead of schedule. NTT DOCOMO has made tremendous contributions to the standardization as a world-leading mobile operator. We have been collaborating with various partners across industries to co-create 5G services through ‘5G Trial Sites’ since this May. This completion will accelerate these activities and we will launch 5G services with Non-Standalone 5G NR by 2020.”



Arnaud Vamparys, SVP Radio Networks said: “Orange welcomes this inaugural first release of a worldwide standard for 5G. With subsequent 3GPP releases expected from mid 2018 that will accelerate application and IoT development, Orange sees a myriad of opportunities to deliver a differentiated and high quality network, and is therefore fully committed to working with the industry to roll out 5G. ”

Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.

“We are excited to be part of this significant milestone, and to once again be at the forefront making the 5G vision a reality in 2019,” said Cristiano Amon, executive vice president, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and president, Qualcomm CDMA Technologies. “We look forward to continue working with our mobile industry peers to bring 5G NR commercial networks and devices in 2019 in smartphone and other form factors, for both sub-6Ghz and mmWave frequency bands, and to continue developing 5G technologies to connect new industries and enable new services and user experiences in the years to come.”


Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

DJ Koh, President and Head of IT and Mobile Communications Division at Samsung Electronics, said: “As a global leader in the mobile industry, Samsung has been collaborating with the whole industry to achieve this milestone in 5G standards. With the completion of 5G NSA NR standard, we will be able to expedite 5G commercial deployments including chipsets, devices and network equipment. Samsung will continue making every effort to deliver complete Rel-15 NR standards.  Rel-15 NR and its further evolution will be a key milestone for the industry to meet the increasing global demand for enhanced mobile broadband services and exploring new business opportunities and services inspired by 5G.”

SK Telecom

“Having global 3GPP 5G NR standard by 2017 is one of key milestones to bring 5G into early commercial service in 2019”, said Jinhyo Park, EVP, Head of ICT R&D Center, “SK Telecom is proud to be one of key contributors to the accelerated 3GPP 5G NSA-NR standardization. We will continue to work on further development of 3GPP 5G NR to ensure readiness for early 5G commercial deployment.”

Sony Mobile Communications Inc.

Mr. Izumi Kawanishi, Director, EVP, Sony Mobile Communications Inc., said: “Sony has been part of the 5G NR and NSA standardization and recognizes the progress in 3GPP to reach this important milestone with features targeting evolved mobile broadband and ultra low latency communications. Sony Mobile is ready for full-scale development of 5G NR smartphones to take benefit of the opportunities offered by the new standard.”


“We’re excited to help usher in the next generation of wireless networks that will drive new levels of innovation and progress around the world,” said Dr. John Saw, Sprint CTO.“We congratulate 3GPP and its delegates on this important milestone, and we look forward to working with our industry partners to deploy 5G NR in our 2.5 GHz (NR band n41) spectrum.”


Mr. Giovanni Ferigo, CTO, said: “TIM has already defined a sound track towards 5G and is collaborating with key industry players, municipalities and public Institutions to unleash the full potential of 5G for people and vertical markets by 2020 expanding the footprint of LTE-A. The extraordinary work done in 3GPP in a few months to keep the promise of a first set of standards coping with the strict requirements of a new radio interface is a fundamental step in this roadmap. We are looking forward to contributing to the next 3GPP milestones which will complete the work on Release 15.”


Mr. Enrique Blanco, Telefónica’s Global Systems and Networks Director, said: “Telefónica greatly appreciates the efforts made by the industry for completing this major milestone towards 5G. Telefónica acknowledges the full potential of 5G, and encourages the industry to keep developing ambitious ideas in order to deliver outstanding connectivity and bring the best possible experience to our customers. Telefónica is fully committed to working with the industry in this direction.”

Telia Company

“We are happy to see that the acceleration of 5G standardization that we and the whole industry called for in February has been achieved. This allows for the early commercial deployments needed to open up for innovation and new business opportunities that our customers expect from us”, says Mauro Costa, Director Network Architecture & Strategy, Telia Company. “In order for the industry and society to take advantage of the full potential of 5G, it is vital that the standardization now continues with a focus to complete also the stand alone version.”

T-Mobile USA

“This is an important moment and a crucial development toward making 5G NR happen,” said Neville Ray, Chief Technology Officer for T-Mobile US. “At T-Mobile, we’re committed to drive a 5G rollout across the US in 2020, and the efforts of 3GPP will help us to realize this great win for our customers.”


“Verizon is delighted that the 3GPP is moving quickly to release a global standard for mobile 5G,” said Ed Chan, Chief Technology Architect and Network Planning.“With this important 3GPP milestone, Verizon is once again well positioned to deliver next-generation technology to customers just as we did with 4G LTE.”



Luke Ibbetson, Head of Vodafone Group R&D said: “Completion of the 5G standard six months earlier than originally anticipated is a significant milestone that should enable compliant network infrastructure and phones to be delivered in line with our requirements. This first version of 5G will build on the success of 4G, providing fast and highly efficient mobile broadband services to our customers and setting the foundation for the Gigabit Society.”


Mr. Xu Huijun, CTO of ZTE Corporation, said: “The completion of the Non-Standalone 5G NR standardization is a critical milestone in the industry. I really appreciate 3GPP’s efforts in meeting this challenging schedule. As one of the contributors to the 5G standards-making process, ZTE will partner with the fellow mobile industry players to commit to accelerating the 5G NR large-scale trials and deployments.”

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  • Got any news, tips or want to contact us directly? Email esistme@gmail.com


This article and images were originally posted on [Samsung Global Newsroom] December 21, 2017 at 04:33AM. Credit to Author and Samsung Global Newsroom | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




GTA 5’s Biggest Mystery Finally Solved

Your daily selection of the hottest trending gaming news!

According to IGN Video Games

GTA 5 is absolutely crammed with Easter Eggs, including Aliens in GTA 5, unexpected Cameos, and other intentionally well-hidden, cool stuff. Due to the sheer volume of Easter Eggs and references in GTA 5, this section is divided into multiple subsections.

Below you’ll find Easter Eggs in the classic sense: Hidden, goofy things the developers added just to be discovered GTA 5.

The Mystery of Mt. Chiliad

Since the initial launch of Grand Theft Auto 5 in 2013, players have sought the truth behind the secrets that lie beneath the rocky face of Mount Chilliad.

Update: Solved!

While UFOs definitely do exist, and the FIB certainly doesn’t want you to know about the existence of extraterrestrials, it turns out that Mt. Chilliad itself is not necessarily the secret to interstellar travel we once thought.


As shown in The Doomsday Heist update, Mt. Chilliad is in fact home to an abandoned military bunker and missile silo. Of course, it ends up being used to potentially wipe out all life as we know it, but at least we finally got those jetpacks we’ve been after.

   Screen Shot 2017-12-26 at 12.09.47 PM.png

The bunker is entered via a hidden cargo door leading into a tunnel network beneath the mountain, and contains a massive government facility as well as the missile silo and warhead storage.

A cryptic painting on the wall of the Cable Car station atop Mt. Chiliad was one of the earliest sources of intrigue for GTA conspiracy-hunters.The main map is remarkably similar to the shaft and chamber layout of a pyramid, suggesting the possible existence of a subterranean dungeon. Also scattered around the image are a number of smaller markers. While the meaning of many of the symbols within have been encrypted, the large icons of cracking egg, a spaceship, and a humanoid form remain an intriguing puzzlement.


The symbol matches the UFO depicted in the Cable Car station painting. On the back of the platform it reads “Come back when your story is complete.”


The carefully hidden painting beneath the platform atop Chiliad’s highest point is the sighting point for a well-documented postgame Flying Saucer appearance, which takes place late at night during thunderstorms.

Other Theories and Connections

Dedicated players have used exploits to spawn Vehicles under the map. Using their new-found mobility, they have discovered hidden FIB textures beneath the Mt. Chiliad platform and strange objects beneath Ft. Zancudo. [1]

Some players speculate that the Mt. Chiliad Map should be laid over the GTA 5 pack-in paper map to reveal a number of significant locations. Current efforts center around centering the map above the northward edge of the island, though this produces no discernible explanation for the three main Glyphs.


An alternate theory (image below) involves lining up the eye at the top of the mountain (red dot) with the glyphs on the the side of the mountain (green dots) leaving one half faded glyph (green circle).


Image Provided by GTA Forums

Glyphs line up as per the image below:


While intriguing, these theories fail to address the purpose of the connecting lines between Glyphs, as well as the three large symbols. Source code for the 1.12 update reportedly includes Jet Pack references.

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  • Got any news, tips or want to contact us directly? Email esistme@gmail.com


This article and images were originally posted on [IGN Video Games] December 24, 2017 at 08:09PM. Credit to Author and IGN Video Games | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




Best Android Wear apps for your smartwatch in 2017

Your daily selection of the hottest trending tech news!

According to TechRadar – All the latest technology news

Screen Shot 2017-12-26 at 10.27.36 AM

Since the release of Android Wear 2.0, the smartwatch ecosystem has been growing at a rapid pace with more and more improvements to the apps. Today, if you own an Android Wear smartwatch be it the latest Samsung Gear Sport or even a Moto 360, you’ll want to fill it with the best Android Wear apps around.

So we’ve put together a selection of the top choices on the Google Play Store right now. This list will give you the best selection of apps you can use to fly the flag of Google’s wearable OS.

To help you avoid the real Android Wear junk, here are 15 of our favorites for you to download – so let’s get started.

If you’re someone like me who forgets to drink water quite often but you do own a smartwatch, the Water Drink Reminder app will do just that for you. Users have to set a target as to how much water they want to consume during the day.

The app itself has a water intake calculator which suggests the appropriate amount of water against user’s weight. Along with this, they can also preset a default mug type and set a reminder. The app also tracks a user’s drinking water habits and gives insights based on the data.

A clearly laid-out, easy to read running app for joggers who don’t like fiddling with their phone but who also don’t like the complication that some dedicated running watches present.

Features include one-tap operation, start and stop with voice commands and easily viewable time, distance and calorie stats.

One of the most useful aspects of the Android OS is its payment system. Android Pay can be installed on a variety of Android Wear products, but you may want to triple check before you download it that your watch is compatible.

You’ll need NFC on your watch to be able to use this, but it’s just so simple to tap your watch on a contactless payment reader and not have to deal with cash anymore.

It may look like a complicated name, but IFTTT stands for “If This Then That”. It lets you link your ‘Channels’ – i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Gmail etc – by creating ‘Recipes’.

So, for instance, you can set things up so when you like an Instagram photo it’s instantly saved to your Dropbox. You can do this, get alerts and more straight from your Android Wear device

Golf anyone? Hole19 is a comprehensive Android golf assistant that itself is extremely helpful.

Given that taking your phone out on the course is a big no-no, you’ll be better off making use of the distance to the pin (using your mobile’s GPS) and scoring features on your smartwatch.

The popular cab hailing app is now on Android Wear and allows you to order a taxi directly from your wrist. If you don’t want to get your phone out of your pocket you can just do it all from your watch instead.

It’s also useful to keep track of where your taxi is, plus it’ll give you updates on the price and estimated arrival time when you’re on the journey itself. This is a must-have Android Wear app for anyone who uses Uber to get around.

Google Fit is a great fitness app, especially if you’re not just into running.

Strava and RunTastic Pro – previously highlighted in this list – specialize in speedily putting one foot in front of the other, while Google Fit is more useful for those interested in biking and walking (though it can track runs as well).

It has an easy to use interface and will display all of your fitness data on your wrist at the touch of a button. You can also connect Google Fit with a variety of other mobile fitness apps as well such as MyFitnessPal or LifeSum.

This is only suitable if you have a Nest product at home, but if you have a Nest Learning Thermostat this is a must-have on your Android Wear watch.

You can control your home heating directly from your wrist. If you want to get home to a lovely warm house while you’re riding back on the bus, you can just turn your heating on from your Android Wear watch. This is living the tech dream.

The likelihood is you have a Gmail account whether it’s for personal use or business, but you should set up the app on your wrist to make sure you’re always seeing your emails on time.

It means you won’t need to take your phone out of your pocket every time your phone buzzes. This is by far the best email client on Android and having it on your wrist makes it much easier to control.

One app we can imagine being useful for just about every Android Wear owner is TripAdvisor. Just like the mobile app, it lets you search for nearby restaurants, attractions and hotels.

Sure it cuts down the phone app experience a bit, but still lets you flick through 25 entries for each of those categories, and even check out the scores and review summaries for each place.

Like all the best Wear apps, it doesn’t feel like it chucks you out to the mobile phone app as soon as you try to do anything a bit more involved.

One of the best messaging clients is Facebook’s Messenger app. Anyone you’re friends with on Facebook is instantly available with this service and you’ll be alerted immediately on the Android Wear app when they send you a message.

You can also send messages, and even dictate your messages rather than typing them out, but you may only want to do this when in private rather than talking to your watch in public.

There are many great note apps on the market, but few are as good as Google Keep.

You can make to-do lists, notes and reminders in all forms, shapes and sizes. Just say “OK Google, take a note” and then dictate what you want the app to enter.

You can put images into your notes within the Android app, but you won’t be able to do that on an Android Wear watch. You’ll still get notifications with reminders to your wrist.

You Android smartwatch is also a tiny audio recorder, in case you didn’t knew. Smartwatches coming with an inbuilt mic can capture audio with a simple tap which can come in handy at times. Now, the Wear Audio Recorder comes with a host of new features like the material design, sound quality options, sync to Google Drive, invisible recording and much more.

You know the deal: swipe right to like, left to pass, like a horny modern day Roman Emperor. But what you might not know is that the phenomenon that is Tinder and Android Wear is a match made in heaven.

Just say “Start Tinder” to start swiping, send messages and view profiles all from the privacy of your wrist.

  • Strava
  • Free (premium service is available)

The most popular cycling app around, we imagine any keen cyclists out there will probably already have tried this hit.

There’s now also a Wear add-on. What this does is let your Wear watch act a bit like a cycle computer, telling you how long you’ve been riding and how fast you’re going. Buy yourself a handlebar mount and you’re there.

You do still need to take your phone out on rides, though, as this is a classic ‘second screen’ app.

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  • Got any news, tips or want to contact us directly? Email esistme@gmail.com


This article and images were originally posted on [TechRadar – All the latest technology news] December 26, 2017 at 07:48AM. Credit to Author and TechRadar – All the latest technology news | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




Solve your MacBook Pro’s port problem with the MemPro USB-C Hub

Your daily selection of the hottest trending tech news!

According to Mashable

Eliminate port withdrawal.
Eliminate port withdrawal.

Image: Zero lemon

You love the sleek, minimalist design of your brand new MacBook Pro. But how annoying is it that you can’t plug in all of your devices because of its inconvenient lack of ports? What the hell, Apple. Thankfully, there’s a simple add-on that can drastically expand your MacBook Pro’s port capabilities back to normalcy.

The iMemPro USB-C Hub plugs right into your MacBook Pro and features a ThunderBolt 3 port, a USB-C port, two USB 3.0 ports, a 4k HDMI port, and an SD/MicroSD card reader. You can even use the HDMI port to output high-resolution to a 4k monitor. With this tool, you get to have your cake and eat it too by packing your ultra-lightweight laptop with all the port abilities of a bigger computer.

That new MacBook Pro is powerful, but with the iMemPro USB-C Hub, it’ll be unstoppable.

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  • Got any news, tips or want to contact us directly? Email esistme@gmail.com


This article and images were originally posted on [Mashable] December 26, 2017 at 08:00AM. Credit to Author and Mashable | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




New Devil May Cry announced for smartphones in China

Your daily selection of the hottest trending gaming news!

According to destructoid

Devil May Cry: Pinnacle of Combat

Well, I didn’t want to qualify a new mainline Devil May Cry release like that, but this is happening.

According to MMO Culture, Chinese developer Yunchang Game has acquired the rights from Capcom directly to create a Devil May Cry mobile game that will focus on the combat system. It’s appropriately called Devil May Cry: Pinnacle of Combat, will be powered by Unity 3D, and will feature online play as well as real-time PVP and “team battles.” No specific platforms have been confirmed yet but these days most things get an Android and iOS release.

I generally don’t write anything off (including mobile games), but I’m foreseeing lots of “daily login bonus” pop-ups and multiple currencies based on the series’ multi-colored jewels. Given the hiatus that the Real Dante has been through, this only gives more fuel for the “Devil May Cry 5” rumor fire.

Devil May Cry [MMO Culture]

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This article and images were originally posted on [destructoid] December 26, 2017 at 10:04AM. Credit to Author and destructoid | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




2018 Is the Year Electric Cars Really Catch On

Your daily selection of the hottest trending tech news!

According to Wired.com

For all the hype, electric cars still make up a tiny percentage of global vehicle sales. Like, less than one percent tiny. But there’s a growing movement around the world to put a deadline on the life of the internal combustion engine. This year India, the UK, Norway, the Netherlands, and France, amongst other states and cities, have said they want to phase out gas and diesel vehicles within the next few decades. The planet’s largest car market, China, is moving in the same direction. Government incentives influence car buyers attitudes, as evidenced by Norway, where EV sales now account for around 30 percent of sales.

With the longterm future of the fossil fuel-powered car under threat, automakers have no choice but to adapt. General Motors says it’s working towards a fully electric future. All of Britain’s Jaguar Land Rover cars and SUVs will have an electric option by 2020. Sweden’s Volvo is doing the same, by 2019.

All that means that if you’re looking to buy an electric car in 2018, you have more options than ever. (And despite early threats to do so, the newly passed tax bill didn’t touch the $7,500 federal tax credit for buying an electric car.) Tesla’s Model 3, the “affordable” sedan, should finally be available in large enough numbers to start filling some of the 400,000 back orders, if Elon Musk can pull it out of “production hell.”. Nissan’s 2018 Leaf, an update to the original electric car for the masses, has some new tech tricks, and at the high end Jaguar’s I-Pace will give Tesla a run for its money.

So if your plan is to go emissions free, 2018 is a good time to do it.

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This article and images were originally posted on [Wired.com] December 26, 2017 at 08:06AM. Credit to Author and Wired.com | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day






18 great couch multiplayer PS4 games to play with friends & family

Your daily selection of the hottest trending gaming news!

According to PlayStation.Blog.Europe

You know how it is; fighting it out with the family for time with the TV is one of those holiday traditions we’d rather do without. But with a wide range of local multiplayer games available for your PlayStation 4, you don’t need to worry about compromising.

Below you’ll find a selection of cooperative and competitive games available on PlayStation Store (so you can stay close to the festive foods). Just stick a Dualshock 4 (or smartphone/tablet with PlayLink games) in the hand of a family member/friend and get gaming.

1. Knack II

PEGI 7 | Co-op, 2 player

When the average seasonal kids movie can’t cut it, a colourful rampaging romp with size changing heroes is perfect entertainment to pick up the slack. Knack 2’s collaborative action platforming has the rough and tumble appeal of a great Saturday morning cartoon.

How quick is a game session? 10 minutes (with jump in, jump out cooperative).

Best played with… Your niece and nephew who’d enjoy cartoonish action that’s big on item-smashing battles.

2. WipEout Omega Collection

PEGI 7 | Competitive, 2 player split-screen

Forget the blissful buzz from post-lunch sweets; hurtling at breakneck speeds round roller coaster tracks rivals that sugar rush. And with its marriage of precision piloting and targeting skills to blast your opponents off the track, you can earn family bragging rights with skills that’d make a Jedi jealous.

How quick is a game session? Blast round a track in five minutes.

Best played with… Your sibling who loves sci-fi, EBM music and Fast & Furious equally.

3. Gran Turismo Sport

PEGI 3 | Competitive, 2 player split-screen

If you prefer your racing more realistic, and want to take the world’s most iconic cars for a spin, then wow your family with some split-screen GT Sport.

How quick is a game session? You can whizz around a race track in around 5 minutes.

Best played with… The family car enthusiast.

4. Star Wars Battlefront II

PEGI 16 | 2 player competitive or co-op split-screen

With the Star Wars hype train making the jump to lightspeed for the latter half of 2017 (and well into 2018), Star Wars: Battlefront II will push you over the edge of the Scarlacc pit and even further into a galaxy far, far away with multiplayer matches set across every era of the sprawling space opera.

How quick is a game session? Around 5-10 minutes.

Best played with… Anyone with a love of Star Wars, no matter what era they prefer (especially if it’s the prequels, so you can toss them under an AT-AT’s feet).

5. FIFA 18

PEGI 3 | Up to 4 player competitive, co-op

EA’s annual match-winner is always good value when it comes to a great representation of the beautiful game. Like its cover star, Real Madrid’s Cristiano Ronaldo, FIFA 18 brings a ton of style to the sport to partner its slick, fast moving gameplay.

How quick is a game session? 5 minutes for a quick match.

Best played with… Anyone feeling bitter about their team’s current misfortunes, or wants to settle a footballing rivalry once and for all. Or maybe you just want to show off a legendary El Tornado skill move…

6. Injustice 2

PEGI 16 | Competitive, 2 to 4 players

If you were “all in” for the blockbuster Justice League film, then welcome to the dark side. This hard hitting beat ’em up continues the first game’s classic ‘What if Superman went bad’ tale, complete with dozens of popular DC Comics characters, and a few guest appearances, from downloadable extras such as Hellboy and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

How quick is a game session? 5 minutes.

Best played with… Slightly older fans of the Justice League movie who are looking for a great twist on their favourite characters – and want to settle the age old argument of whether Batman could really beat up Superman.

7. Pyre

PEGI 7 | Competitive, 2 player

Hidden within Pyre’s lavish, choice-driven adventure is a glorious, fantasy-based spin on NBA Jam. It’s 3 versus 3 from a selectable roster filled with magicians, ghouls and colourful characters – perfect for both sports fiends and Lord of the Rings buffs.

How quick is a game session? 5 minutes

Best played with… Get the family’s chess prodigy hooked on a game requiring fast finger work and lighting-quick tactics on the mystical court.

8. Hidden Agenda

PEGI 16 | Co-op and competitive, 2-6 players

Chewed through your murder mystery box sets? Put your – and your family’s – well-honed investigative skills to the test! Grab your smartphones and play through this PlayLink game as you try and track down a killer.

How quick is a game session? You’ll want to settle in for the evening to play through the game’s story.

Best played with… Parents who repeatedly say they could do better than their favourite TV or cinematic detectives.

9. Knowledge is Power

PEGI 3 | Competitive, 2-6 players

Worried about having enough controllers for that Christmas party? Fret not! Grab your smartphones and prepare to enter the Pyramid of Knowledge, where you and your friends will go against each other and answer a variety of themed questions to be the first to reach its summit. Be careful, however… your competition might have a few tricks up their sleeves to slow you down!

How quick is a game session? 30-40 minutes.

Best played with… Everyone, but especially that one member of your family who thinks they know everything!

10. That’s You!

PEGI 12 | Competitive, 2-6 players

Looking to really set the cat amongst the proverbial pigeons this Christmas? That’s You! is just the ticket. The flagship title in PS4’s new Playlink range is an audacious multiplayer quiz game that helps you really get to know your friends. Which of your pals practices chat-up lines in the mirror? Whose diary would make the most explosive reading? That’s You! will help you find out…

How quick is a game session? 30-40 minutes

Best played with… Anyone! If playing with youngsters you can adjust the type of questions to ensure things stay family friendly.

11. Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier

PEGI 18 | Co-op, 2-4 players

Family argument a Christmas tradition? Direct that energy into something positive and decide the fate of two species with this tie-in to the cinematic trilogy.

How quick is a game session? Put aside that movie re-run evening and try out this narrative adventure game instead.

Best played with… With its adult themes, it’s best to enjoy this PlayLink title with the older family members.

12. Overcooked

PEGI 3 | Co-op and competitive, 2-4 players

Kitchens are always pretty hectic, but with the help of a few friends, Overcooked can get straight up chaotic. Work together or against each other to complete your restaurant’s customers’ delicious requests and save the Onion kingdom!

How quick is a game session? 5 minutes.

Best played with… Friends and family alike will enjoy the cheekiness of this messy cooking game.

13. Lego Marvel Heroes 2

PEGI 7 | Co-op or competitive, 2-4 players

The family-friendly Lego range of games returns to the Marvel universe! Pick your favourite hero (or villain) from an icon-filled roster of characters and battle across different eras and realities.

How quick is a game session? 10 minutes.

Best played with: Marvel movie junkies who have re-watched their Marvel cinematic Blu-ray collection.

14. Sonic Mania

PEGI 3 | Co-op and competitive, 2 player

One of the blue blur’s most triumphant games ever, Sonic Mania is all about thinking fast and acting even faster. Featuring some of the most inventive 2D platforming in the genre and tons of surprises, Sega’s speed fuelled hedgehog is a glorious delight for new fans and veterans alike.

How quick is a game session? Five minutes.

Best played with: Your younger members of the family who want a great introduction to classic Sonic action brought bang up to date – or fans of the older games who want the perfect nostalgia hit.

15. Everybody’s Golf

PEGI 3 | Competitive 2-4 players

The much-loved golf series returned to PlayStation this year, debuting on PS4 with its trademark light-hearted but surprisingly in-depth gameplay – plus a few new game modes to tee off with online.

How quick is a game session? 5-10 minutes.

Best played with… It’s accessible enough that golfing newbies will have a good time, yet deep enough that even the wannabe PGA tour winners in your family will want to play.

16. Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

PEGI 3 | Co-op, 2 to 4 players

Thought PlayStation VR was best enjoyed as a single player experience? Not so – there are heaps of great multiplayer VR titles available, and this is one of the finest. One player wears the PS VR headset and sees a bomb on a table in front of them; meanwhile, other players must figure out how to defuse it using an online manual and shout instructions before the timer runs out. Frantic, inventive and masses of fun.

How quick is a game session? Each bomb timer is set to 5 minutes.

Best played with… You’ll need a cool head and calm nerves, so pick your collaborators wisely…

17. Spelunky

PEGI 7 | Co-op and competitive, 2 to 4 players


An already difficult game which somehow gets even harder with three friends, Spelunky is a classic roguelike platformer that is as hilarious as it is challenging. And if the frustration of teaming up gets too much, you can indulge your desire for revenge the franticly brilliant deathmatch mode.

How quick is a game session? 5 minutes (if you’re lucky).

Best played with… Good friends who won’t take it personally when you “accidently” push them into spikes and then use their lifeless bodies to set off other traps. Actually, better make that really good friends.

18. Nex Machina

PEGI 12 | Co-op, 2 players

Single-handedly saving the world from a malevolent robot menace is one heck of a responsibility. So, why not share the burden and take on wave-after-wave of enemies with a friend? The latest top-down shooter from arcade experts Housemarque is one of 2017’s most acclaimed titles, and an absolute blast in couch co-op.

How quick is a game session? You can blaze through a level in 10-15 minutes.

Best played with… Perfect for any grey-haired gamers who hold on to muscle-memory of the twitch arcade classics of their youth.

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  • Got any news, tips or want to contact us directly? Email esistme@gmail.com


This article and images were originally posted on [PlayStation.Blog.Europe] December 26, 2017 at 10:17AM. Credit to Author and PlayStation.Blog.Europe | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




Elon Musk’s massive Australian battery just chalked up another record

Your daily selection of the hottest trending tech news!

According to Digital Trends


Elon Musk’s battery in South Australia made international headlines earlier this month for being the biggest of its type in the world.

And now, just weeks after being activated, the very same battery is claiming another world record for the time it took to spring into action following a power outage.

Built by Musk’s Tesla company, the lithium-ion battery has 100 megawatts of capacity and is reportedly three times larger than the next biggest battery. Paired with the Hornsdale wind farm 120 miles north of Adelaide, Australia and operated by French renewable energy provider Neoen, the battery stores excess energy created by the wind turbines and is used when the region’s power sources suffer outages.

Last week the battery bounded into action just 140 milliseconds after a power plant in the neighboring state of Victoria suffered a failure that would ordinarily have led to a lengthy power cut, the International Business Times reported. The battery fed its stored energy into the national power grid, preventing an inconvenient blackout from affecting numerous homes in nearby towns and cities.

“That’s a record and the national operators were shocked at how quickly and efficiently the battery was able to deliver this type of energy into the market,” South Australia Energy Minister Tom Koutsantonis told 5AA radio.

He said that the battery’s fast response time exceeded expectations, and it performed far better than others sources of backup power, adding that usually one of its power stations “would take half an hour to an hour to energize and synchronize into the market; the battery can do it in milliseconds.”

Musk became involved in the project to build a battery for South Australia when he heard that the local government was looking for solutions after the region was hit by a huge storm in September 2016. It was described as a once-in-every-50-years weather event and temporarily knocked out power for 1.7 million residents.

No slouch when it comes to grabbing headlines, Musk hit Twitter to make his pitch, saying that if Tesla failed to meet his own 100-day deadline to build the battery, he’d foot the $50 million bill. Tesla completed the project with about a week to spare.

The news of the battery’s record-breaking performance will be music to the ears of Musk. While Tesla is better known for its electric cars than the batteries that power them, their need for such a power source prompted the company to diversify into the field, going beyond vehicles to explore the home and commercial energy market. It’s now manufacturing batteries at its Gigafactory in Nevada, believed to be the largest facility of its kind in the world.

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This article and images were originally posted on [Digital Trends] December 26, 2017 at 02:59AM. Credit to Author and Digital Trends | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




EGaming, the DRM-Free Holiday Sale is LIVE in the Humble Store!


DRM-Free Holiday Sale

The DRM-Free Holiday Sale just launched in the Humble Store on Monday, December 25 at 10 a.m. Pacific time! The sale will be live through Monday, January 1 at 10 a.m. Pacific time.

Outlast 2

On Sale -50%
  Ladykiller in a Bind

On Sale -50%
Prison Architect

On Sale -75%
  Mini Metro

On Sale -50%

This article and images were originally posted on [ESIST]
+ Got any news, tips or want to contact us directly? Email esistme@gmail.com

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Apple supposedly cut iPhone X production in response to lower demand

Your daily selection of the hottest trending tech news!

According to BGR

iPhone X Sales

The iPhone X has been sold out since the phone went on preorder in late October, but Apple has been ramping up production significantly to meet demand. Right now, you can order an iPhone X directly from Apple and have it shipped to your home in a matter of days.

However, Apple has reportedly cut iPhone X orders for the first quarter of 2018, as demand is supposedly fading.

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  • Got any news, tips or want to contact us directly? Email esistme@gmail.com


This article and images were originally posted on [BGR] December 26, 2017 at 07:30AM. Credit to Author and BGR | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day