Tesla Model 3 travels 606 miles on a single charge in new hypermiling record

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According to Electrek

Hypermiling is the practice of driving vehicles as efficiently as possible in order to achieve the longest distance possible on one charge/fuel tank.

It’s not a useful way to determine the range of a vehicle for normal driving, but it’s an interesting way to see how the way someone drives can impact fuel efficiency.

Tesla owners have now established a new hypermiling record in a Model 3 by traveling 606 miles on a single charge.

This weekend, Tesla owners Erik Strait and Sean Mitchel set out to achieve the record on a public road circuit.

Their goal was 600 miles (965 km) and they narrowly beat it for what could very well be the Guinness World Record for the longest distance driven in a production electric car on a single charge.

The attempt basically consists of driving at extremely low-speed in order to get the most efficient driving speed for the vehicle while also not using power consuming onboard features like climate control.

In the case of the Model 3, Strait and Mitchel found that maintaining the speed under 25 mph (40 km/h) was ideal.

32 hours later, they had the record.

They streamed the entire hypermiling run on Youtube, which you can watch below, but a fair warning: hypermiling might very well be the most boring motorsport to watch by a long shot:

But the results were quite interesting. Mitchell reported a very efficient 110 Wh per mile for a total 66 kWh used during the run:

As we previously reported in our feature on the Model 3 battery pack architecture, the Long Range Model 3 battery pack has a capacity of about 74 kWh, but they surprisingly got much less usable energy in their run and it’s not clear why.

There’s always some capacity left as a buffer, but it seems higher than usual in this case.

Electrek’s Take

It’s a very impressive performance – though I wouldn’t be surprised if it eventually gets surpassed with a route that results in fewer stops.

But it’s still a nice achievement and the newest hypermiling record for a Tesla vehicle – beating the previous Tesla Model S hypermiling record of just over 900 km (560 miles) on a single charge in a Model S P100D.

Interestingly, when talking about hypermiling, Tesla CEO Elon Musk said in 2015 that he would expect people to reach 600 miles (965 km) on a single charge in a Tesla vehicle in 2017.

The comment resulted in a lot of misinformation as media reported it as if Tesla plans to release a vehicle with a real-world range of 600 miles.

Of course, it’s not the case at all since hypermiling is in no way representative of the actual normal range of a vehicle, electric or not.

It’s a fun way to see how much efficiency you can get out of a car.

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This article and images were originally posted on [Electrek] May 27, 2018 at 12:11PM. Credit to Author and Electrek | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




Elon Musk’s massive Australian battery just chalked up another record

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According to Digital Trends


Elon Musk’s battery in South Australia made international headlines earlier this month for being the biggest of its type in the world.

And now, just weeks after being activated, the very same battery is claiming another world record for the time it took to spring into action following a power outage.

Built by Musk’s Tesla company, the lithium-ion battery has 100 megawatts of capacity and is reportedly three times larger than the next biggest battery. Paired with the Hornsdale wind farm 120 miles north of Adelaide, Australia and operated by French renewable energy provider Neoen, the battery stores excess energy created by the wind turbines and is used when the region’s power sources suffer outages.

Last week the battery bounded into action just 140 milliseconds after a power plant in the neighboring state of Victoria suffered a failure that would ordinarily have led to a lengthy power cut, the International Business Times reported. The battery fed its stored energy into the national power grid, preventing an inconvenient blackout from affecting numerous homes in nearby towns and cities.

“That’s a record and the national operators were shocked at how quickly and efficiently the battery was able to deliver this type of energy into the market,” South Australia Energy Minister Tom Koutsantonis told 5AA radio.

He said that the battery’s fast response time exceeded expectations, and it performed far better than others sources of backup power, adding that usually one of its power stations “would take half an hour to an hour to energize and synchronize into the market; the battery can do it in milliseconds.”

Musk became involved in the project to build a battery for South Australia when he heard that the local government was looking for solutions after the region was hit by a huge storm in September 2016. It was described as a once-in-every-50-years weather event and temporarily knocked out power for 1.7 million residents.

No slouch when it comes to grabbing headlines, Musk hit Twitter to make his pitch, saying that if Tesla failed to meet his own 100-day deadline to build the battery, he’d foot the $50 million bill. Tesla completed the project with about a week to spare.

The news of the battery’s record-breaking performance will be music to the ears of Musk. While Tesla is better known for its electric cars than the batteries that power them, their need for such a power source prompted the company to diversify into the field, going beyond vehicles to explore the home and commercial energy market. It’s now manufacturing batteries at its Gigafactory in Nevada, believed to be the largest facility of its kind in the world.

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This article and images were originally posted on [Digital Trends] December 26, 2017 at 02:59AM. Credit to Author and Digital Trends | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day