Quantum Weirdness Just Got Reinforced With an Experiment Billions of Years in The Making

What if we have quantum entanglement’s ‘spooky’ nature all wrong, and we’re missing something?

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According to ScienceAlert (This article and its images were originally posted on ScienceAlert August 22, 2018 at 03:27AM.)

What if we have quantum entanglement’s ‘spooky’ nature all wrong, and we’re missing something?

A new experiment using the wavelength of photons created more than 7.8 billion years ago makes that more unlikely than ever. If there’s a classical physics explanation for the phenomenon, it’s extremely well hidden.

MIT physicists have pushed the limits on an experiment they conducted last year that used light from a nearby star. This time they used photons from much further away, ones that started their journey long before our own Sun set blazing.

Entanglement is weird. There’s no doubting that. It’s so weird, brilliant minds like Einstein’s couldn’t accept it at face value, leading them to dismiss it as ‘spooky’. Something else had to be at work.

And who could blame them? The phenomenon relies on a mind-boggling idea – particles don’t have clearly defined properties until they interact with the apparatus that measures them.

Momentum, spin, position … these only make sense when we look hard enough at the particle. Before then, they’re not ‘real’, at least not in an everyday sense.

So what if two particles have their properties entwined in some way, such as when they form together? Einstein figured you could measure one particle and immediately know something ‘real’ about the other. Dust hands, walk away.

The answer still blows our minds today. The moment one is measured, the other one – no matter where it is in the Universe – goes from being a blur of possibility to having a set measurement as well.

It’s almost as if you buy a pair of shoes, but they’re not real until you get home and open the shoe box. Noticing you’ve only got the left one, the one you left behind spontaneously turns from a ‘maybe right or left’ into a ‘definitely right’.

In the 1960s, an Irish physicist named John Stewart Bell came up with a set of proofs showing either quantum mechanics is wrong – which isn’t likely – or it’s correct, and there are indeed no hidden laws operating behind the scenes that could explain this strangeness.

Bell’s theorem still leaves some possible explanations, including the slim chance we’re wrong about quantum mechanics. But physicists are slowly ruling them out one by one.

One persistent option is the “freedom-of-choice” loophole. Maybe when we decide what to measure in a particle, there’s some knock-on effect that just creates an illusion of a correlation between particle properties?

If you sit in the shoe shop and lift your left foot, the cosmic shopkeeper behind the counter might notice and grab out a left shoe for you while holding onto the right one. Sure it’s a cheat, but it’s still classical physics, meaning the Universe would operate under the guidance of that familiar light-speed message service rather than something weirder.

Creating pairs of photons and then deciding exactly what to measure in a laboratory leaves plenty of room for a classical physics equivalent of the shopkeeper to create the illusion of a mysterious correlation.

But putting some distance between the choice of measurement and the actual measurement process would make it harder for those choices to be limited by a non-spooky knock-on-effect.

Last year, it was six centuries of distance, as the MIT team used the light from a nearby star to serve as a cosmic coin flip in deciding what to measure in an entanglement experiment.

This time the team turned their sights onto a pair of quasars – the energetic cores of distant galaxies. Light from one was emitted 12.2 billion years ago. Light from the other set course some 7.8 billion years ago.

A pair of telescopes took a peek at the colours of each and used them to decide how to measure the polarisation of each photon in a pair that had been entangled in a separate laboratory.

In two trials, the team found correlations between 30,000 pairs of photons, which goes far beyond what Bell calculated was necessary for the freedom-of-choice explanation.

That huge gap of time and space between coin flip and measurement leaves very little opportunity for some behind-the-scenes flim-flam to affect the experiment’s measurement conditions.

How big? The chance that there’s still a classical explanation is now one part in one hundred billion billion.

“If some conspiracy is happening to simulate quantum mechanics by a mechanism that is actually classical, that mechanism would have had to begin its operations – somehow knowing exactly when, where, and how this experiment was going to be done – at least 7.8 billion years ago,” says the study’s co-author Alan Guth.


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This article and its images were originally posted on [ScienceAlert] August 22, 2018 at 03:27AM. All credit to both the author MIKE MCRAE and ScienceAlert | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day.

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Viewpoint: Landauer Principle Stands up to Quantum Test

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According to Physics – spotlighting exceptional research

  • Massimiliano Esposito, Complex Systems and Statistical Mechanics Group, Physics and Materials Science Research Unit, University of Luxembourg, 162a Avenue de la Faiencerie, L-1511 Luxembourg, Luxembourg

• Physics 11, 49

A fundamental limit on the heat produced when erasing a bit of information has been confirmed in a fully quantum system.

Erasing information always produces heat, even when erasing just one bit of information. This expectation, which has implications for computer science and information technology, dates to 1961, when Rolf Landauer predicted that the minimum amount of heat needed to erase a classical bit is kBTln2 [1]. ( kB is the Boltzmann constant and T the temperature of a “reservoir” with which the bit exchanges heat.) Landauer’s classical limit was confirmed a few years ago using trapped micrometer-sized colloidal particles to encode the bits [2, 3]. But in the era of quantum computers, one may wonder if there is a way around the principle; after all, quantum and classical bits are fundamentally different. The answer, according to new experiments, is no. A team led by Mang Feng of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Wuhan reports the first experimental verification of the Landauer principle in a fully quantum system, in which the bit and the heat reservoir have quantized energies [4].

Figure caption

Figure 1: Feng and colleagues conducted their test of the quantum Landauer principle with an atom qubit, whose state can be represented by a point on the so-called Bloch sphere (green lines) [4]. At the start of the experiment, the atom was equally likely to be in either of two internal states (corresponding to the center of the Bloch sphere) and therefore had maximal entropy kBln2 . The researchers then partially erased the bit by coupling it to the atom’s vibrational motion, which served as a heat bath (blue region). For simplicity, the erasure shown here is complete: the atom qubit ends up in a pure quantum state (a point on the Bloch sphere’s surface), in which it has an entropy of zero.Feng and colleagues conducted their test of the quantum Landauer principle with an atom qubit, whose state can be represented by a point on the so-called Bloch sphere (green lines) [4]. At the start of the experiment, the atom was equally likely to b… Show more


Feng and colleagues conducted their test of the quantum Landauer principle with an atom qubit, whose state can be represented by a point on the so-called Bloch sphere (green lines) [4]. At the start of the experiment, the atom was equally likely to be in either of two internal states (corresponding to the center of the Bloch sphere) and therefore had maximal entropy kBln2 . The researchers then partially erased the bit by coupling it to the atom’s vibrational motion, which served as a heat bath (blue region). For simplicity, the erasure shown here is complete: the atom qubit ends up in a pure quantum state (a point on the Bloch sphere’s surface), in which it has an entropy of zero. [Credit: APS/Alan Stonebraker]×

Landauer’s novel approach described a classical bit using a concept from information theory known as Shannon entropy, which characterizes information content. Consider a bit that can be 1 or 0. If you know the bit is always 1, reading a 1 doesn’t yield any information because you expected this result already. Whereas if the bit is equally likely to be 1 or 0, you don’t know what to expect from a reading, so any reading is a surprise. In other words, information on a bit is greatest if measuring it yields the greatest surprise. As explained in the note in Ref. [5], the Shannon entropy is equal to kBln2 for a “maximally surprising” bit and equal to 0 for a “no-surprise” bit.

The connection between Shannon entropy and physics was initially unclear. But thanks to advances in stochastic thermodynamics [6, 7], the Landauer principle is now understood to be a direct consequence of the second law of thermodynamics, which states that entropy production Σ never decreases. For a system exchanging heat with a reservoir, Σ=ΔS+Q∕T, where ΔS is the system’s change in entropy during some process and Q is the resulting heat released. Erasing information on a classical bit corresponds to changing the Shannon entropy from its maximal value ( kBln2) to its smallest (0) value, or an entropy change of −kBln2. Plugging this into the second law ( Σ=ΔS+Q∕T≥0) predicts a release of heat Q≥kBTln2, just as Landauer predicted.

The challenge in confirming the Landauer principle experimentally for a classical system was that such systems are usually described by a continuum of states, rather than the two discrete states required for a classical bit. The first experimental confirmations made an effective two-state system by using laser light [2] or electric fields [3] to confine a Brownian particle in a controllable double-welled potential.

In contrast with a classical bit, a quantum bit (or qubit) is a genuine two-level system, and it can be in a superposition of states. Instead of a classical probability distribution, a qubit is described by a density matrix 𝜌; and the entropy becomes the von Neumann entropy [ S=−kBTr(𝜌ln𝜌), where Tr stands for trace]. With these changes, one can derive a quantum version of the second law [8] and, in turn, the quantum version of the Landauer principle [6, 9]. The quantum version of the principle makes the same prediction as its classical counterpart: the erasure releases at least −TΔS of heat. And for the case in which a maximal-entropy qubit is completely erased, this amount of heat is kBTln2. Entropy production can also be expressed as the reservoir’s deviation from equilibrium and correlations between the system and the reservoir. These quantities are, however, notoriously difficult to measure.

Taking on this challenge, Feng and colleagues [4] conducted an ingenuous experiment to verify the Landauer principle in the quantum regime. In their setup, the qubit was comprised of two internal states of a trapped calcium ion. The heat reservoir was supplied by the ion’s own vibrational modes, which were cooled to a few tens of microkelvin. At the start of the experiment, the researchers prepared the qubit such that its two states were equally populated, a condition of maximal entropy known as a classically mixed state. They then “erased” part of this information using a laser, which coupled the qubit to the reservoir and enabled the conversion of entropy into heat (Fig. 1). By taking multiple measurements of the ion, the team recovered the population of the atom’s two levels and the population of the vibrational modes. Comparing populations before and after an erasure, the team determined all terms appearing in the second law (Σ,Q,ΔS) and showed that the Landauer principle holds in the quantum regime. The team also found that achieving close to zero entropy production with a quantum reservoir was very difficult, particularly at low temperatures.

What’s next? As formulated, the quantum Landauer principle assumes that the qubit is initially uncorrelated with the equilibrated reservoir. This assumption is valid in the method Feng’s team used to prepare the qubit [4] or when the interaction between the qubit and the reservoir is weak. However, formulating second laws for correlated initial conditions is harder and remains an active field of research.

The ideas behind the Landauer principle and, more generally, information thermodynamics are fascinating on a fundamental level. But they also have practical value. They can, for example, be used in biology to assess the energetic cost of a cell processing information as it chemically senses its surroundings, copies DNA, or detects and repairs cellular structures [10]. The same ideas also allow us to determine the trade-off between energy, speed, and accuracy in any computation. This capability is a priority for the emerging field of green computing, which aims to moderate the energy consumption of our information technologies. Ultimately, the Landauer bound could end up being to computation what the Carnot bound is to heat engines: a fundamental limit that sets a target for practical applications.

This research is published in Physical Review Letters.


  1. R. Landauer, “Irreversibility and Heat Generation in the Computing Process,” IBM J Res. Dev. 5, 183 (1961).
  2. A. Bérut, A. Arakelyan, A. Petrosyan, S. Ciliberto, R. Dillenschneider, and Eric Lutz, “Experimental Verification of Landauer’s Principle Linking Information and Thermodynamics,” Nature 483, 187 (2012).
  3. Y. Jun, M. Gavrilov, and J. Bechhoefer, “High-Precision Test of Landauer’s Principle in a Feedback Trap,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 190601 (2014).
  4. L. L. Yan, T. P. Xiong, K. Rehan, F. Zhou, D. F. Liang, L. Chen, J. Q. Zhang, W. L. Yang, Z. H. Ma, and M. Feng, “Single-Atom Demonstration of the Quantum Landauer Principle,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 210601 (2018).
  5. Shannon entropy is defined as −(p1lnp1+p2lnp2+…) where p1 , p2, etc., are the probabilities the system is in state 1, 2, etc. A two-level system that is equally likely to be in either state (p1=p2) has maximal entropy, S=ln2 . If the system is definitely in one state (e.g., p1=1 and p2=0 ) the entropy is smallest and equal to 0. (Strictly speaking, the Shannon entropy has to be multiplied by Boltzmann’s constant to yield the entropy of thermodynamics.).
  6. M. Esposito and C. Van den Broeck, “Second Law and Landauer Principle Far from Equilibrium,” Europhys. Lett. 95, 40004 (2011).
  7. T. Sagawa, “Second Law, Entropy Production, and Reversibility in Thermodynamics of Information,” arXiv:1712.06858.
  8. M. Esposito, K. Lindenberg, and C. Van den Broeck, “Entropy Production as Correlation Between System and Reservoir,” New J. Phys. 12, 013013 (2010).
  9. D. Reeb and M. M. Wolf, “An Improved Landauer Principle with Finite-Size Corrections,” New J. Phys. 16, 103011 (2014).
  10. R. Rao and M. Esposito, “Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Chemical Reaction Networks: Wisdom from Stochastic Thermodynamics,” Phys. Rev. X 6, 041064 (2016).

About the Author

Massimiliano Esposito is a theoretical physicist specializing in statistical physics and the study of complex systems. His research focuses on energy and information processing in small quantum systems and in biological systems; he is particularly interested in chemical reaction networks. Esposito obtained his Ph.D. in 2004 at Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) in Belgium. After postdocs at the University of California, Irvine, and the University of California, San Diego, he returned to ULB, where he became a Professor of Theoretical Physics in 2016. He is the recipient of a Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council.

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This article and images were originally posted on [Physics – spotlighting exceptional research] May 21, 2018 at 12:07PM. Credit to Author and Physics – spotlighting exceptional research | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




Spooky Entangled Photons Create Perfectly ‘Unhackable’ Random Numbers

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According to Live Science

NIST has developed a method for generating numbers guaranteed to be random by quantum mechanics. The method generates digital bits (1s and 0s) with photons, or particles of light. An intense laser hits a special crystal that converts laser light into pairs of photons that are entangled, a quantum phenomenon that links their properties. These photons are then measured to produce a string of truly random numbers.

Credit: Shalm/NIST

Lotteries, accidents and rolls of dice — the world around us is full of unpredictable events. Yet generating a truly random series of numbers for encryption has remained a surprisingly difficult task.

Now, researchers have used a mind-bending experiment relying on both Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, which describes the probabilistic nature of subatomic particles, to produce strings of numbers that are guaranteed to be random.

“If you sent in some team of people to examine our experimental components as closely as they wanted and then have them try to come up with a prediction for what these random numbers would be afterwards, there’s just no way they could predict them,” study co-author and mathematician Peter Bierhorst of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Boulder, Colorado, told Live Science. [The World’s Most Beautiful Equations]

Computers everywhere use random numbers as keys to lock or unlock encrypted information. Many processes for producing these keys — such as the random number generator that’s probably on your computer right now — use an algorithm that spits out a seemingly arbitrary string of numbers. Other approaches try to make use of real-world randomness, for instance measuring the length of time between keystrokes or the fluctuating temperature of a computer server, to produce random numbers.

But such methods are still susceptible to attack. Savvy hackers can either tamper with a random number generator or learn its underlying principles to figure out what numbers it’s going to produce. In 2012, security researchers found that tens of thousands of internet servers were vulnerable to hacking because of their reliance on poor-quality random number generators.


Quantum mechanics, on the other hand, offers truly random outcomes. For instance, a light particle, or photon, can either be pointing up or pointing down. Before it’s measured, the particle is in a superposition state, in which it has a 50 percent chance of pointing up and a 50 percent chance of pointing down once measured. Its eventual outcome is certifiably random, but using this property for number generation has still been somewhat problematic, the researchers said.

“Suppose I’m giving you a photon,” Bierhorst said. “And I say, ‘Oh it’s in a superposition state of up and down.'” Upon measurement, he said, the photon turns out to be down, an outcome that nobody should have been able to predict in advance.

“But now you’ll say, ‘How can I know that photon wasn’t always down?'” Bierhorst added. In other words, there’s no way to prove, for any individual photon, that it was in a superposition state before it got measured. To get around this conundrum, Bierhorst and his colleagues gave each photon a buddy. These pairs of photons were entangled with one another, meaning that their properties were forever tied together. [Infographic: How Quantum Entanglement Works]

In their experiment, the researchers then sent the two photons to opposite ends of their lab, separated by a distance of 613 feet (187 meters), and measured their properties. Because of their entanglement, the photons always returned coordinated results; if one was found to be up, the other was always down.

Because they were so far apart, there’s no way for the photons to have discussed their perfect lockstep synchronization unless they could send signals faster than the speed of light, which would violate Einstein’s theory of relativity. The two photons therefore serve as a check on one another, guaranteeing that they were actually in a superposition state before being measured and that their results are genuinely random, the researchers said. The new method was described today (April 11) in the journal Nature.

“You can really say they have built the ultimate quantum random number generator,” said quantum physicist Stefano Pironio of the Free University of Brussels in Belgium, who was not involved in the work.

But, he added, the method took about 10 minutes to produce 1,024 random strings, whereas current cryptographic processes would need far faster number generators.

The new technique’s first real-world use will come when it’s incorporated into NIST’s randomness beacon, a public source of randomness for researchers studying unpredictability, Bierhorst said.

But he added that he hopes the experimental setup could one day be shrunk enough to fit on a computer chip and help in the creation of “unhackable” messages.

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This article and images were originally posted on [Live Science] April 11, 2018 at 01:05PM. Credit to Author and Live Science | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




Quantum mechanics runs hot in a cold plasma: research

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According to Phys.org – latest science and technology news stories

Quantum mechanics runs hot in a cold plasma: UBC research
Particles quench in a disordered web of quantum interactions to form a state of many-body localization. Credit: Ed Grant

University of British Columbia researchers have found a new system that could help yield ‘warmer’ quantum technologies.

Quantum technologies such as computers have the potential to process information much more quickly and powerfully than conventional computers. That prospect has spurred interest in exotic, complex quantum phenomena, particularly a state called many-body localization.


Many-body localization occurs when quantum interactions trap particles in a web-like mesh of random locations. This phase of matter protects the energy stored in quantum states from degrading to heat—an effect that could safeguard information in fragile qubits, which are the building blocks of quantum computation.


Up till now efforts to study many-body localization, both theoretically and experimentally, have focussed on cooled to temperatures close to absolute zero, or -273° C.


“The effect has been assumed to occur only under conditions that are very difficult to engineer,” explains UBC chemical physicist Ed Grant. “So far, most evidence for many-body localization has been found using atoms arrayed in space by crossed laser fields. But arrangements like these last only as long as the light is on and are as easily disrupted as ripping a piece of tissue paper.”


In the latest issue of Physical Review Letters, Grant and theoretical physicist John Sous describe the results of an experiment in which laser pulses gently lift a large number of molecules in a gas of nitric oxide to form an ultracold plasma.


The plasma, consisting of electrons, ions and Rydberg molecules (NO+ ions orbited by a distant electron), self-assembles and appears to form a robust many-body localized state. The researchers believe the plasma ‘quenches’ to achieve this state naturally, without needing a web of laser fields – no more ripping apart.


Just as importantly, the system doesn’t have to start at a temperature near absolute zero. The mechanism of self-assembly operates naturally at high temperature, seemingly leading to a spontaneous state of many-body .


“This could give us a much easier way to make a quantum material, which is good news for practical applications,” says Grant.

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This article and images were originally posted on [Phys.org – latest science and technology news stories] March 14, 2018 at 03:03PM. Credit to Author and Phys.org – latest science and technology news stories | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




Seeing is believing—precision atom qubits achieve major quantum computing milestone

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According to Phys.org – latest science and technology news stories

Seeing is believing -- precision atom qubits achieve major quantum computing milestone
A scanning tunnelling microscope image showing the electron wave function of a qubit made from a phosphorus atom precisely positioned in silicon. Credit: UNSW

The unique Australian approach of creating quantum bits from precisely positioned individual atoms in silicon is reaping major rewards, with UNSW Sydney-led scientists showing for the first time that they can make two of these atom qubits “talk” to each other.

The team – led by UNSW Professor Michelle Simmons, Director of the Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology, or CQC2T – is the only group in the world that has the ability to see the exact position of their qubits in the solid state.

Simmons’ team creates the atom qubits by precisely positioning and encapsulating individual phosphorus atoms within a silicon chip. Information is stored on the quantum spin of a single phosphorus electron.

The team’s latest advance – the first observation of controllable interactions between two of these qubits – is published in the journal Nature Communications. It follows two other recent breakthroughs using this unique approach to building a quantum computer.

By optimising their nano-manufacturing process, Simmons’ team has also recently created quantum circuitry with the lowest recorded electrical noise of any semiconductor device.

And they have created an electron spin with the longest lifetime ever reported in a nano-electric device – 30 seconds.

“The combined results from these three research papers confirm the extremely promising prospects for building multi-qubit systems using our atom qubits,” says Simmons.

2018 Australian of the Year inspired by Richard Feynman

Simmons, who was named 2018 Australian of the Year in January for her pioneering research, says her team’s ground-breaking work is inspired by the late physicist Richard Feynman.

“Feynman said: ‘What I cannot create, I do not understand’. We are enacting that strategy systematically, from the ground up, atom by atom,” says Simmons.

“In placing our phosphorus atoms in the silicon to make a qubit, we have demonstrated that we can use a scanning probe to directly measure the atom’s wave function, which tells us its exact physical location in the chip. We are the only group in the world who can actually see where our qubits are.

“Our competitive advantage is that we can put our high-quality qubit where we want it in the chip, see what we’ve made, and then measure how it behaves. We can add another qubit nearby and see how the two wave functions interact. And then we can start to generate replicas of the devices we have created,” she says.

Seeing is believing -- precision atom qubits achieve major quantum computing milestone
UNSW Professor Michelle Simmons, Director of the Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology, with a scanning tunnelling microscope. Credit UNSW. Credit: UNSW

For the new study, the team placed two qubits – one made of two phosphorus atoms and one made of a single phosphorus atom – 16 nanometres apart in a silicon chip.


“Using electrodes that were patterned onto the chip with similar precision techniques, we were able to control the interactions between these two neighbouring qubits, so the quantum spins of their electrons became correlated,” says study lead co-author, Dr Matthew Broome, formerly of UNSW and now at the University of Copenhagen.

“It was fascinating to watch. When the spin of one electron is pointing up, the other points down, and vice versa.

“This is a major milestone for the technology. These type of spin correlations are the precursor to the entangled states that are necessary for a quantum computer to function and carry out complex calculations,” he says.

Study lead co-author, UNSW’s Sam Gorman, says: “Theory had predicted the two qubits would need to be placed 20 nanometres apart to see this correlation effect. But we found it occurs at only 16 nanometres apart.

“In our quantum world, this is a very big difference,” he says. “It is also brilliant, as an experimentalist, to be challenging the theory.”

Leading the race to build a quantum computer in silicon

UNSW scientists and engineers at CQC2T are leading the world in the race to build a quantum computer in silicon. They are developing parallel patented approaches using single atom and quantum dot qubits.

“Our hope is that both approaches will work well. That would be terrific for Australia,” says Simmons.

The UNSW team have chosen to work in silicon because it is among the most stable and easily manufactured environments in which to host qubits, and its long history of use in the conventional computer industry means there is a vast body of knowledge about this material.

In 2012, Simmons’ team, who use scanning tunnelling microscopes to position the individual phosphorus in silicon and then molecular beam epitaxy to encapsulate them, created the world’s narrowest conducting wires, just four across and one atom high.

In a recent paper published in the journal Nano Letters, they used similar atomic scale control techniques to produce circuitry about 2-10 nanometres wide and showed it had the lowest recorded electrical noise of any semiconductor circuitry. This work was undertaken jointly with Saquib Shamim and Arindam Ghosh of the Indian Institute of Science.

Seeing is believing -- precision atom qubits achieve major quantum computing milestone

An artist’s impression of two qubits — one made of two phosphorus atoms and one made of a single phosphorus atom — placed 16 nanometres apart in a silicon chip. UNSW scientists were able to control the interactions between the two qubits so the quantum spins of their electrons became correlated. When the spin of one electron is pointing up, the other points down. Credit: UNSW

“It’s widely accepted that electrical noise from the circuitry that controls the qubits will be a critical factor in limiting their performance,” says Simmons.

“Our results confirm that silicon is an optimal choice, because its use avoids the problem most other devices face of having a mix of different materials, including dielectrics and surface metals, that can be the source of, and amplify, electrical noise.

“With our precision approach we’ve achieved what we believe is the lowest electrical noise level possible for an electronic nano-device in silicon – three orders of magnitude lower than even using carbon nanotubes,” she says.

In another recent paper in Science Advances, Simmons’ team showed their precision qubits in silicon could be engineered so the electron spin had a record lifetime of 30 seconds – up to 16 times longer than previously reported. The first author, Dr Thomas Watson, was at UNSW undertaking his PhD and is now at Delft University of Technology.

“This is a hot topic of research,” says Simmons. “The lifetime of the electron spin – before it starts to decay, for example, from spin up to spin down – is vital. The longer the lifetime, the longer we can store information in its quantum state.”

In the same paper, they showed that these long lifetimes allowed them to read out the electron spins of two qubits in sequence with an accuracy of 99.8 percent for each, which is the level required for practical error correction in a quantum processor.

Australia’s first quantum computing company

Instead of performing calculations one after another, like a conventional computer, a quantum computer would work in parallel and be able to look at all the possible outcomes at the same time. It would be able to solve problems in minutes that would otherwise take thousands of years.

Last year, Australia’s first quantum computing company – backed by a unique consortium of governments, industry and universities – was established to commercialise CQC2T’s world-leading research.

Operating out of new laboratories at UNSW, Silicon Quantum Computing Pty Ltd has the target of producing a 10-qubit demonstration device in silicon by 2022, as the forerunner to a -based quantum computer.

The Australian government has invested $26 million in the $83 million venture through its National Innovation and Science Agenda, with an additional $25 million coming from UNSW, $14 million from the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, $10 million from Telstra and $8.7 million from the NSW Government.

It is estimated that industries comprising approximately 40% of Australia’s current economy could be significantly impacted by computing. Possible applications include software design, machine learning, scheduling and logistical planning, financial analysis, stock market modelling, software and hardware verification, climate modelling, rapid drug design and testing, and early disease detection and prevention.

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This article and images were originally posted on [Phys.org – latest science and technology news stories] March 7, 2018 at 05:42AM. Credit to Author and Phys.org – latest science and technology news stories | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




Quantum ‘spooky action at a distance’ becoming practical

Your daily selection of the latest science news!

According to Phys.org – latest science and technology news stories

Quantum 'spooky action at a distance' becoming practical
Scientists from Griffith University (Australia) have overcome a major challenge connected to Einstein’s ‘spooky action at a distance’ effect. Credit: Griffith University

A team from Griffith’s Centre for Quantum Dynamics in Australia have demonstrated how to rigorously test if pairs of photons – particles of light – display Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance”, even under adverse conditions that mimic those outside the lab.

They demonstrated that the effect, also known as , can still be verified even when many of the photons are lost by absorption or scattering as they travel from source to destination through an optical fiber channel. The experimental study and techniques are published in the journal Science Advances.

Quantum nonlocality is important in the development of new global information networks, which will have transmission security guaranteed by the laws of physics. These are the networks where powerful quantum computers can be linked.

Photons can be used to form a quantum link between two locations by making a pair of photons that are “entangled” – so that measuring one determines the properties of its twin – and then sending one along a communication channel.

Team leader Professor Geoff Pryde said a quantum link had to pass a demanding test that confirmed the presence of quantum nonlocality between particles at either end.

“Failing the test means an eavesdropper might be infiltrating the network,” he said.

“As the length of quantum channel grows, less and less photons successfully pass through the link, because no material is perfectly transparent and absorption and scattering take their toll.

“This is a problem for existing quantum nonlocality verification techniques with photons. Every photon lost makes it easier for the eavesdropper to break the security by mimicking entanglement.”

Developing a method to test entanglement in presence of loss has been an outstanding challenge for the scientific community for quite some time.

The team used a different approach – quantum teleportation – to overcome the problem of lost photons.

Dr Morgan Weston, first author of the study, said they selected the few photons that survived the high-loss channel and teleported those lucky photons into another clean and efficient, .

“There, the chosen verification test, called quantum steering, could be done without any problem,” she said.

Quantum 'spooky action at a distance' becoming practical

Professor Geoff Pryde and Dr Morgan Weston led a study of Einstein’s ‘spooky action at a distance’ effect at Griffith University in Australia. Credit: Griffith University

“Our scheme records an additional signal that lets us know if the light particle has made it through the transmission . This means that the failed distribution events can be excluded up front, allowing the communication to be implemented securely even in the presence of very high loss.”


This upgrade doesn’t come easy – the teleportation step requires additional high-quality on its own. These extra photon pairs have to be generated and detected with extremely high efficiency, in order to compensate for the effect of the lossy transmission line.

This was possible to achieve thanks to state of art photon source and detection technology, jointly co-developed with the US National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, Colorado.

Although the experiment was performed in the laboratory, it tested channels with absorption equivalent to about 80 km of telecommunications optical fiber.

The team aims to integrate their method into quantum networks that are being developed by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology, and test it in real-life conditions.

Explore further:
Secure information transmission over 500m fiber links based on quantum technologies

More information:
“Heralded quantum steering over a high-loss channel” Science Advances (2018). http://ift.tt/2CLaJL7 , DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1701230

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  • Got any news, tips or want to contact us directly? Email esistme@gmail.com


This article and images were originally posted on [Phys.org – latest science and technology news stories] January 5, 2018 at 02:06PM. Credit to Author and Phys.org – latest science and technology news stories | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




These Quantum Droplets Are the Most Dilute Liquids in the Known Universe

Your daily selection of the latest science news!

According to Space.com

This artist’s rendering depicts a quantum liquid droplet formed by mixing two condensates of ultracold potassium atoms.

Credit: ICFO/ Povarchik Studios Barcelona

A team of physicists in Barcelona has created liquid droplets 100 million times thinner than water that hold themselves together using strange quantum laws.

In a paper published Dec. 14 in the journal Science, researchers revealed that these bizarre droplets emerged in the strange, microscopic world of a laser lattice — an optical structure used to manipulate quantum objects — in a lab at the Spanish Institut de Ciències Fotòniques, or Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO). And they were true liquids: substances that maintain their volume regardless of external temperature and form droplets in small quantities. That’s as opposed to gases, which spread to fill their containers. But they were far less dense than any liquid that exists under normal circumstances, and maintained their liquid state through a process known as quantum fluctuation.

The researchers cooled a gas of potassium atoms cooled to minus 459.67 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 273.15 degrees Celsius), close to absolute zero. At that temperature, the atoms formed a Bose-Einstein condensate. That’s a state of matter where cold atoms clump together and start to physically overlap. These condensates are interesting because their interactions are dominated by quantum laws, rather than the classical interactions which can explain the behavior of most large bulks of matter.

When researchers pushed two of these condensates together, they formed droplets, binding together to fill a defined volume. But unlike most liquids, which hold their droplet shapes together through the electromagnetic interactions between molecules, these droplets held their shapes through a process known as “quantum fluctuation.” [Wacky Physics: The Coolest Little Particles in Nature]

Quantum fluctuation emerges from Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, which states that particles are basically probabilistic — they don’t hold one energy level or place in space, but rather are smeared across several possible energy levels and locations. Those “smeared” particles act a bit like they are jumping around across their possible locations and energies, applying a pressure on their neighbors. Add up all the pressures of all the particles fluxing, and you’ll find that they tend to attract one another more than they repel each other. That attraction binds them together into droplets.



These new droplets are unique in that quantum fluctuation is the dominant effect holding them in their liquid state. Other “quantum fluids” like liquid helium demonstrate that effect, but also involve much more powerful forces that bind them much more tightly together.

Potassium condensate droplets, however, aren’t dominated by those other forces and have very weakly-interacting particles, and therefore spread themselves across much wider spaces — even as they hold their droplet shapes. Compared to similar helium droplets, the authors write, this liquid is two orders of magnitude larger and eight orders of magnitude more dilute. That’s a big deal for experimenters, the researchers write; potassium droplets might turn out to much better model quantum liquids for future experiments than helium.

The quantum droplets do have their limits though. If they have too few atoms involved, they collapse, evaporating into the surrounding space.

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  • Got any news, tips or want to contact us directly? Email esistme@gmail.com


This article and images were originally posted on [Space.com] December 20, 2017 at 05:59AM. Credit to Author and Space.com | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




Physicists Confirm Quantum Theory Proposed in the 1930s

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According to Breaking Science News


Professor David McKenzie from the University of Sydney and his PhD student Enyi Guo have demonstrated quantum tunneling in water — a quantum phenomenon first predicted by British theoretical physicist Dr. Ronald Wilfred Gurney in 1931. The research is published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society A.

Medical sensing technologies and solar energy storage could be dramatically improved after the team shows the validity of quantum theory first proposed in 1931. Image credit: Jose Manuel Suarez / CC BY 2.0.

Professor McKenzie and Guo applied quantum techniques to understanding the electrolysis of water, which is the application of an electric current to water to produce the constituent elements hydrogen and oxygen.

The researchers found that electrons can ‘tunnel’ through barriers in aqueous solutions away from the electrodes, neutralizing ions of impurities in that water.

This can be detected in changes in current, which has applications for biosensing, the detection of biological elements in solution.

This neutralization of ions in solution is a different idea to that currently believed, where the neutralisation only happens at the electrode surface.

“This lays the basis for new and faster methods to detect biomedical impurities in water, with potentially important implications for biosensing techniques,” Professor McKenzie said.

“A better understanding of electrolysis is becoming more important for applications in alternative energies in what is sometimes called the hydrogen economy.”

Without storage methods, solar energy only works when the Sun is shining.

“To produce energy at other times, one method is to use electricity from solar cells to electrolyze water, producing hydrogen gas which can then be stored and burned later to produce energy when needed,” the researchers said.

“The tunneling effect refers to the quantum mechanical process where a particle moves through a barrier that in classical physical theory should not occur.”

“Electrons are able to ‘tunnel’ in biological and chemical systems in a non-trivial manner that has implications for photosynthesis and other biological processes. It occurs through barriers that are just a few nanometers thick.”


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This article and images were originally posted on [Breaking Science News] November 13, 2017 at 07:30AM

Credit to Author and Breaking Science News | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day





Reflecting light off satellite backs up Wheeler’s quantum theory thought experiment

The experiment consisted of shooting a laser beam at a beam splitter, which aimed the beam at a satellite traveling in low Earth orbit, which reflected it back to Earth.

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According to Phys.org 


Credit: CC0 Public Domain

A team of researchers with Università degli Studi di Padova and the Matera Laser Ranging Observatory in Italy has conducted experiments that add credence to John Wheeler’s quantum theory thought experiment. In their paper published on the open access site Science Advances, the group describes their experiment and what they believe it showed.

The nature of has proven to be one of the more difficult problems facing physicists. Nearly a century ago, experiments showed that light behaved like both a particle and a wave, but subsequent experiments seemed to show that light behaved differently depending on how it was tested, and weirdly, seemed to know how the researchers were testing it, changing its behavior as a result.

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This article and images were originally posted on [Phys.org – latest science and technology news stories] October 26, 2017 at 10:03AM

Credit to Author and Phys.org 





Higgs boson uncovered by quantum algorithm on D-Wave machine

Machine learning has returned with a vengeance. I still remember the dark days of the late ’80s and ’90s, when it was pretty clear that the current generation of machine-learning algorithms didn’t seem to actually learn much of anything.

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According to Science – Ars Technica


Enlarge /See a Higgs there? A quantum AI might.


Machine learning has returned with a vengeance. I still remember the dark days of the late ’80s and ’90s, when it was pretty clear that the current generation of machine-learning algorithms didn’t seem to actually learn much of anything. Then big data arrived, computers became chess geniuses, conquered Go (twice), and started recommending sentences to judges. In most of these cases, the computer had sucked up vast reams of data and created models based on the correlations in the data.

But this won’t work when there aren’t vast amounts of data available. It seems that quantum machine learning might provide an advantage here, as a recent paper on searching for Higgs bosons in particle physics data seems to hint.

Learning from big data

In the case of chess, and the first edition of the Go-conquering algorithm, the computer wasn’t just presented with the rules of the game. Instead, it was given the rules and all the data that the researchers could find. I’ll annoy every expert in the field by saying that the computer essentially correlated board arrangements and moves with future success. Of course, it isn’t nearly that simple, but the key was in having a lot of examples to build a model and a decision tree that would let the computer decide on a move.

In the most-recent edition of the Go algorithm, this was still true. In that case, though, the computer had to build its own vast database, which it did by playing itself. I’m not saying this to disrespect machine learning but to point out that computers use their ability to gather and search for correlations in truly vast amounts of data to become experts—the machine played 5 million games against itself before it was unleashed on an unsuspecting digital opponent. A human player would have to complete a game every 18 seconds for 70 years to gather a similar data set.

Sometimes, however, you have a situation that would be perfect for this sort of big-data machine learning, except that the data is actually pretty small. This is the case for evaluating Higgs Boson observations. The LHC generates data at inconceivable rates, even after lots of pre-processing to remove most of the uninteresting stuff. But even in the filtered data set, collisions that generate a Higgs boson are pretty rare. And those particle showers that look like they might have a Higgs? Well, there is a large background that obscures the signal.

In other words, this is a situation where a few events must be found inside a very large data set, and the signal looks remarkably similar to the noise. That makes it quite difficult to apply machine learning, let alone train the algorithm in the first place.

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This article and images were originally posted on [Science – Ars Technica] October 25, 2017 at 11:11AM

Credit to Author and Science – Ars Technica





Quantum Inside: Intel Manufactures an Exotic New Chip

The work was done in collaboration with QuTech, a Dutch company spun out of the University of Delft that specializes in quantum computing. QuTech has made significant progress in recent years toward developing more stable qubits.

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According to New on MIT Technology Review

Intel has begun manufacturing chips for quantum computers.

The new hardware is too feeble to do much real work, but it offers a strong signal that the technology is inching closer to real-world applications. “We’re [moving] quantum computing from the academic space to the semiconductor space,” says Jim Clarke, director of quantum hardware at Intel.

While regular computers store and manipulate data by representing binary 1s and 0s, a quantum computer uses quantum bits or “qubits,” exploiting quantum phenomena to represent data in more than one state at once. This makes it possible to compute information in a fundamentally different way, and to perform some parallel calculations in the same time it would take to perform a single one.

Quantum computing has long been an academic curiosity, and there are enormous challenges to handling quantum information reliably. The sense is now growing, however, that the technology could emerge from research labs within a matter of years (see “10 Breakthrough Technologies 2017: Practical Quantum Computers”).

Intel’s quantum chip uses superconducting qubits. The approach builds on an existing electrical circuit design but uses a fundamentally different electronic phenomenon that only works at very low temperatures. The chip, which can handle 17 qubits, was developed over the past 18 months by researchers at a lab in Oregon and is being manufactured at an Intel facility in Arizona.

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This article and images were originally posted on [New on MIT Technology Review] October 10, 2017 at 04:51PM

Credit to Author and New on MIT Technology Review




New quantum memory device small enough to fit on a chip

The device is very small, approximately 10 by 0.7 micrometers and has an odd shape, like a Toblerone candy bar—long and thin with a notched triangular shape, with mirrors on either end.

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According to Phys.org – latest science and technology news stories


Scanning electron microscope image showing the nano-scale optical quantum memory fabricated in yttrium orthovanadate (YVO). The schematic shows that this device is an optical cavity that contains Nd atoms. Credit: Dr. Tian Zhong

(Phys.org)—A team of researchers from the U.S. and Italy has built a quantum memory device that is approximately 1000 times smaller than similar devices—small enough to install on a chip. In their paper published in the journal Science, the team describes building the memory device and their plans for adding to its functionality.

Scientists have been working steadily toward building quantum computers and networks, and have made strides in both areas in recent years. But one inhibiting factor is the construction of quantum memory devices. Such devices have been built, but until now, they have been too large to put on a chip, a requirement for practical applications. In this new effort, the researchers report developing a quantum memory that is not only small enough to fit on a chip, but is also able to retrieve data on demand.

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This article and images were originally posted on [Phys.org – latest science and technology news stories] September 1, 2017 at 08:45AM

Credit to Author and Phys.org – latest science and technology news stories




Synopsis: Graphene Helps Catch Light Quanta

All of this works thanks to graphene’s unique band structure, which results in the material having a negligible electronic heat capacity.

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According to Physics – spotlighting exceptional research

The use of graphene in a single-photon detector makes it dramatically more sensitive to low-frequency light.

Synopsis figure

E. D. Walsh et al., Phys. Rev. Applied (2017)


For many light-based quantum applications, failing to log the arrival of even a few photons can undermine performance. Some single-photon detectors work by registering a temperature rise when they absorb one photon, but this sensitivity diminishes for small photon energies (low frequencies.) Researchers have now shown that incorporating graphene into a particular type of single-photon detector could extend the lower end of the detector’s frequency range by four decades, to include gigahertz light (radio waves).

The device, proposed by Kin Chung Fong from Raytheon BBN Technologies, Massachusetts, and colleagues, sandwiches a sheet of graphene between two layers of superconducting material to create a Josephson junction. At low temperatures, and in the absence of photons, a superconducting current flows through the device. But the heat from a single photon is sufficient to warm the graphene, which alters the Josephson junction such that no superconducting current can flow. Thus photons can be detected by monitoring the device’s current.


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This article and images were originally posted on [Physics – spotlighting exceptional research] August 24, 2017 at 03:16PM

Credit to Author and Physics – spotlighting exceptional research




How quantum trickery can scramble cause and effect

Albert Einstein is heading out for his daily stroll and has to pass through two doorways. First he walks through the green door, and then through the red one. Or wait — did he go through the red first and then the green? It must have been one or the other. The events had have to happened in a sequence, right?

Not if Einstein were riding on one of the photons ricocheting through Philip Walther’s lab at the University of Vienna. Walther’s group has shown that it is impossible to say in which order these photons pass through a pair of gates as they zip around the lab. It’s not that this information gets lost or jumbled — it simply doesn’t exist. In Walther’s experiments, there is no well-defined order of events.

This finding1 in 2015 made the quantum world seem even stranger than scientists had thought. Walther’s experiments mash up causality: the idea that one thing leads to another. It is as if the physicists have scrambled the concept of time itself, so that it seems to run in two directions at once.

In everyday language, that sounds nonsensical. But within the mathematical formalism of quantum theory, ambiguity about causation emerges in a perfectly logical and consistent way. And by creating systems that lack a clear flow of cause and effect2, researchers now think they can tap into a rich realm of possibilities. Some suggest that they could boost the already phenomenal potential of quantum computing. “A quantum computer free from the constraints of a predefined causal structure might solve some problems faster than conventional quantum computers,” says quantum theorist Giulio Chiribella of the University of Hong Kong.

What’s more, thinking about the ‘causal structure’ of quantum mechanics — which events precede or succeed others — might prove to be more productive, and ultimately more intuitive, than couching it in the typical mind-bending language that describes photons as being both waves and particles, or events as blurred by a haze of uncertainty.

And because causation is really about how objects influence one another across time and space, this new approach could provide the first steps towards uniting the two cornerstone theories of physics and resolving one of the most profound scientific challenges today. “Causality lies at the interface between quantum mechanics and general relativity,” says Walther’s collaborator Časlav Brukner, a theorist at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information in Vienna, “and so it could help us to think about how one could merge the two conceptually.”

Tangles in time

Causation has been a key issue in quantum mechanics since the mid-1930s, when Einstein challenged the apparent randomness that Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg had installed at the heart of the theory. Bohr and Heisenberg’s Copenhagen interpretation insisted that the outcome of a quantum measurement — such as checking the orientation of a photon’s plane of polarization — is determined at random, and only in the instant that the measurement is made. No reason can be adduced to explain that particular outcome. But in 1935, Einstein and his young colleagues Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen (now collectively denoted EPR) described a thought experiment that pushed Bohr’s interpretation to a seemingly impossible conclusion.

The EPR experiment involves two particles, A and B, that have been prepared with interdependent, or ‘entangled’, properties. For example, if A has an upward-pointing ‘spin’ (crudely, a quantum property that can be pictured a little bit like the orientation of a bar magnet), then B must be down, and vice versa.

Both pairs of orientations are possible. But researchers can discover the actual orientation only when they make a measurement on one of the particles. According to the Copenhagen interpretation, that measurement doesn’t just reveal the particle’s state; it actually fixes it in that instant. That means it also instantly fixes the state of the particle’s entangled partner — however far away that partner is. But Einstein considered this apparent instant action at a distance impossible, because it would require faster-than-light interaction across space, which is forbidden by his special theory of relativity. Einstein was convinced that this invalidated the Copenhagen interpretation, and that particles A and B must already have well-defined spins before anybody looks at them.

Measurements of entangled particles show, however, that the observed correlation between the spins can’t be explained on the basis of pre-existing properties. But these correlations don’t actually violate relativity because they can’t be used to communicate faster than light. Quite how the relationship arises is hard to explain in any intuitive cause-and-effect way.

But what the Copenhagen interpretation does at least seem to retain is a time-ordering logic: a measurement can’t induce an effect until after it has been made. For event A to have any effect on event B, A has to happen first. The trouble is that this logic has unravelled over the past decade, as researchers have realized that it is possible to imagine quantum scenarios in which one simply can’t say which of two related events happens first.

Classically, this situation sounds impossible. True, we might not actually know whether A or B happened first — but one of them surely did. Quantum indeterminacy, however, isn’t a lack of knowledge; it’s a fundamental prohibition on pronouncing on any ‘true state of affairs’ before a measurement is made.

Ambiguous action

Brukner’s group in Vienna, Chiribella’s team and others have been pioneering efforts to explore this ambiguous causality in quantum mechanics3, 4. They have devised ways to create related events A and B such that no one can say whether A preceded and led to (in a sense ’caused’) B, or vice versa. This arrangement enables information to be shared between A and B in ways that are ruled out if there is a definite causal order. In other words, an indeterminate causal order lets researchers do things with quantum systems that are otherwise impossible.

The trick they use involves creating a special type of quantum ‘superposition’. Superpositions of quantum states are well known: a spin, for example, can be placed in a superposition of up and down states. And the two spins in the EPR experiment are in a superposition — in that case involving two particles. It’s often said that a quantum object in a superposition exists in two states at once, but more properly it simply cannot be said in advance what the outcome of a measurement would be. The two observable states can be used as the binary states (1 and 0) of quantum bits, or qubits, which are the basic elements of quantum computers.

The researchers extend this concept by creating a causal superposition. In this case, the two states represent sequences of events: a particle goes first through gate A and then through gate B (so that A’s output state determines B’s input), or vice versa.

In 2009, Chiribella and his co-workers came up with a theoretical way to do an experiment like this using a single qubit as a switch that controls the causal order of events experienced by a particle that acts as second qubit3. When the control-switch qubit is in state 0, the particle goes through gate A first, and then through gate B. When the control qubit is in state 1, the order of the second qubit is BA. But if that qubit is in a superposition of 0 and 1, the second qubit experiences a causal superposition of both sequences — meaning there is no defined order to the particle’s traversal of the gates (see ‘Trippy journeys’).

Nik Spencer/Nature

Three years later, Chiribella proposed an explicit experimental procedure for enacting this idea5; Walther, Brukner and their colleagues subsequently worked out how to implement it in the lab1. The Vienna team uses a series of ‘waveplates’ (crystals that change a photon’s polarization) and partial mirrors that reflect light and also let some pass through. These devices act as the logic gates A and B to manipulate the polarization of a test photon. A control qubit determines whether the photon experiences AB or BA — or a causal superposition of both. But any attempt to find out whether the photon goes through gate A or gate B first will destroy the superposition of gate ordering.

Having demonstrated causal indeterminacy experimentally, the Vienna team wanted to go further. It’s one thing to create a quantum superposition of causal states, in which it is simply not determined what caused what (that is, whether the gate order is AB or BA). But the researchers wondered whether it is possible to preserve causal ambiguity even if they spy on the photon as it travels through various gates.

At face value, this would seem to violate the idea that sustaining a superposition depends on not trying to measure it. But researchers are now realizing that in quantum mechanics, it’s not exactly what you do that matters, but what you know.

Last year, Walther and his colleagues devised a way to measure the photon as it passes through the two gates without immediately changing what they know about it6. They encode the result of the measurement in the photon itself, but do not read it out at the time. Because the photon goes through the whole circuit before it is detected and the measurement is revealed, that information can’t be used to reconstruct the gate order. It’s as if you asked someone to keep a record of how they feel during a trip and then relay the information to you later — so that you can’t deduce exactly when and where they were when they wrote it down.

As the Vienna researchers showed, this ignorance preserves the causal superposition. “We don’t extract any information about the measurement result until the very end of the entire process, when the final readout takes place,” says Walther. “So the outcome of the measurement process, and the time when it was made, are hidden but still affect the final result.”

Other teams have also been creating experimental cases of causal ambiguity by using quantum optics. For example, a group at the University of Waterloo in Canada and the nearby Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics has created quantum circuits that manipulate photon states to produce a different causal mash-up. In effect, a photon passes through gates A and B in that order, but its state is determined by a mixture of two causal procedures: either the effect of B is determined by the effect of A, or the effects of A and B are individually determined by some other event acting on them both, in much the same way that a hot day can increase sunburn cases and ice-cream sales without the two phenomena being directly causally related. As with the Vienna experiments, the Waterloo group found that it’s not possible to assign a single causal ‘story’ to the state the photons acquire7.

Some of these experiments are opening up new opportunities for transmitting information. A causal superposition in the order of signals travelling through two gates means that each can be considered to send information to the other simultaneously. “Crudely speaking, you get two operations for the price of one,” says Walther. This offers a potentially powerful shortcut for information processing.

“An indeterminate causal order lets researchers do things with quantum systems that are otherwise impossible.”

Although it has long been known that using quantum superposition and entanglement could exponentially increase the speed of computation, such tricks have previously been played only with classical causal structures. But the simultaneous nature of pathways in a quantum-causal superposition offers a further boost in speed. That potential was apparent when such superpositions were first proposed: quantum theorist Lucien Hardy at the Perimeter Institute8 and Chiribella and his co-workers3 independently suggested that quantum computers operating with an indefinite causal structure might be more powerful than ones in which causality is fixed.

Last year, Brukner and his co-workers showed9 that building such a shortcut into an information-processing protocol with many gates should give an exponential increase in the efficiency of communication between gates, which could be beneficial for computation. “We haven’t reached the end yet of the possible speed-ups,” says Brukner. “Quantum mechanics allows way more.”

It’s not terribly complicated to build the necessary quantum-circuit architectures, either — you just need quantum switches similar to those Walther has used. “I think this could find applications soon,” Brukner says.

Unity in the Universe

The bigger goal, however, is theoretical. Quantum causality might supply a point of entry to some of the hardest questions in physics — such as where quantum mechanics comes from.

Quantum theory has always looked a little ad hoc. The Schrödinger equation works marvellously to predict the outcomes of quantum experiments, but researchers are still arguing about what it means, because it’s not clear what the physics behind it is. Over the past two decades, some physicists and mathematicians, including Hardy10 and Brukner11, have sought to clarify things by building ‘quantum reconstructions’: attempts to derive at least some characteristic properties of quantum-mechanical systems — such as entanglement and superpositions — from simple axioms about, say, what can and can’t be done with the information encoded in the states (see Nature 501, 154156; 2013).

“The framework of causal models provides a new perspective on these questions,” says Katja Ried, a physicist at the University of Innsbruck in Austria who previously worked with the University of Waterloo team on developing systems with causal ambiguity. “If quantum theory is a theory about how nature processes and distributes information, then asking in which ways events can influence each other may reveal the rules of this processing.”

And quantum causality might go even further by showing how one can start to fit quantum theory into the framework of general relativity, which accounts for gravitation. “The fact that causal structure plays such a central role in general relativity motivates us to investigate in which ways it can ‘behave quantumly’,” says Ried.

“Most of the attempts to understand quantum mechanics involve trying to save some aspects of the old classical picture, such as particle trajectories,” says Brukner. But history shows us that what is generally needed in such cases is something more, he says — something that goes beyond the old ideas, such as a new way of thinking about causality itself. “When you have a radical theory, to understand it you usually need something even more radical.”


This article and images was originally posted on [Nature – Issue – nature.com science feeds] June 28, 2017 at 01:17PM

by Philip Ball





A future without fakes thanks to quantum technology

A future without fakes thanks to quantum technology

Gold microchip. Credit: Lancaster University

Counterfeit products are a huge problem – from medicines to car parts, fake technology costs lives.

Every year, imports of counterfeited and pirated goods around the world cost nearly US $0.5 trillion in lost revenue.

Counterfeit medicines alone cost the industry over US $200 billion every year. They are also dangerous to our health – around a third contain no active ingredients, resulting in a million deaths a year.

And as the Internet of Things expands, there is the need to trust the identity of smart systems, such as the brake system components within connected and .

But researchers exhibiting at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition believe we are on the verge of a future without fakes thanks to new technology.

Whether aerospace parts or luxury goods, the researchers say the new technology will make counterfeiting impossible.

Scientists have created unique atomic-scale ID’s based on the irregularities found in 2-D materials like graphene.

On an atomic scale, quantum physics amplifies these irregularities, making it possible to ‘fingerprint’ them in simple electronic devices and optical tags.

The team from Lancaster University and spin-out company Quantum Base will be announcing their new patent in optical technology to read these imperfections at the “Future without Fakes” exhibit of the Royal Society’s Summer Science Exhibition.

For the first time, the team will be showcasing this via a smartphone app which can read whether a product is real or fake, and enable people to check the authenticity of a product through their smartphones.

The customer will be able to scan the optical tag on a product with a smartphone, which will match the 2-D tag with the manufacturer’s database.

This has the potential to eradicate product counterfeiting and forgery of digital identities, two of the costliest crimes in the world today.

This patented and the related application can be expected to be available to the public in the first half of 2018, and it has the potential to fit on any surface or any product, so all global markets may be addressed.

Professor Robert Young of Lancaster University, world leading expert in quantum information and Chief scientist at Quantum Base says: “It is wonderful to be on the front line, using scientific discovery in such a positive way to wage war on a global epidemic such as counterfeiting, which ultimately costs both lives and livelihoods alike.”

Explore further:
Invention of forge-proof ID to revolutionise security

More information:
Optical identification using imperfections in 2D materials. arXiv. http://ift.tt/2sKvNKS

Journal reference:


This article and images was originally posted on [Phys.org – latest science and technology news stories] July 5, 2017 at 07:24AM

Provided by: Lancaster University
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Scientists Claim to Have Invented The World’s First Quantum-Proof Blockchain

Unhackable Bitcoin, anyone?

Researchers in Russia say they’ve developed and tested the world’s first blockchain that won’t be vulnerable to encryption-breaking attacks from future quantum computers.

If the claims are verified, the technique could be a means of protecting the vast amounts of wealth invested in fast-growing cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum– which are safe from today’s code-breaking methods, but could be exposed by tomorrow’s vastly more powerful quantum machines.

A team from the Russian Quantum Centre in Moscow says its quantum blockchain technology has been successfully tested with one of Russia’s largest banks, Gazprombank, and could be used as a proof of concept to underpin secure data encryption and storage methods in the future.

To backtrack a little, a blockchain is a publicly accessible, decentralised ledger of recorded information, spread across multiple computers on the internet.

This kind of distributed database is the underlying technology that makes Bitcoin possible – where it maintains a list of timestamped digital transactions that can be viewed by anyone on the platform.

The idea is that the blockchain frees users on the network from needing any kind of middleman or central authority to regulate transactions or exchanges of information.

Because all interactions are recorded in the distributed ledger, the blockchain makes everything a matter of public record, which, when it comes to Bitcoin, is what ensures that transactions are legitimate, and that units of the currency aren’t duplicated.

The problem with this is that when someone’s computer conducts transactions, the system uses digital signatures for authentication purposes – but while that protection layer may offer strong enough encryption to secure those exchanges today, they won’t be able to withstand quantum computers.

Quantum computers are a technology that’s still in development, but once they mature, they’re set to offer computational power and speed far in excess of what today’s computers can achieve.

While that means quantum computers are poised to do great things for us in tomorrow’s world, it’s a double-edged sword – because that massive increase in performance also means these machines could pose a huge security risk in the world of IT, breaking through comparatively weak encryption walls that currently protect the world of banking, defence, email, social media, you name it.

“If quantum computing takes three decades to truly arrive, there’s no reason to panic,” as Nicole Kobie reported for Wired last year.

“If it lands in 10 years, our data is in serious trouble. But it’s impossible to predict with certainty when it will happen.”

Because of this, today’s security researchers are busy trying to invent secure systems that can defend us from the unbelievably fast supercomputers of tomorrow – a pretty tall order, considering these awesome systems haven’t even really been invented yet.

That’s what the Russian team’s quantum-proof blockchain is – another attempt to devise a digital fortress that won’t be crushed by quantum computers. And the key, the researchers say, is abandoning part of what currently helps protect blockchain transactions.

“In our quantum-secure blockchain setup, we get rid of digital signatures altogether,” one of the researchers, Alexander Lvovsky, told Mary-Ann Russon at IBTimes UK.

“Instead, we utilise quantum cryptography for authentication.”

Quantum cryptography depends on entangled particles to work, and the researchers’ system used what’s called quantum key distribution, which the researchers say makes it possible to make sure nobody’s eavesdropping on private communications.

“Parties that communicate via a quantum channel can be completely sure that they are talking to each other, not anybody else. This is the main idea,” Lvovsky said.

“Then we had to re-invent the entire blockchain architecture to ‘fit’ our new authentication technology, thereby making this architecture immune to quantum computer attacks.”

The system they’ve experimented with was tested on a 3-node (computer) network, but it’s worth pointing out that while the team is claiming victory so far, this kind of research remains hypothetical at this point, and the study has yet to undergo peer-review.

But given the looming technological avalanche that quantum computers represent for digital security, all we’ll say is we’re glad scientists are working on this while there’s still time.

Because, make no doubt, the future is headed this way fast.

The study has been published on pre-print website arXiv.org.


This article and images was originally posted on [ScienceAlert] May 30, 2017 at 05:19PM





Synopsis: Scattering from the Quantum Vacuum  

Polarized gamma rays could be used to measure how gamma-ray photons scatter off the virtual particles that make up the quantum vacuum.
Synopsis figure

James Koga/National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology

According to quantum theory, the vacuum swarms with particles that pop in and out of existence. While they are virtual, these particles are at the root of observable quantum phenomena like the Casimir effect. James Koga and Takehito Hayakawa at the National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, Japan, have now detailed a way to measure with unprecedented accuracy a difficult-to-isolate quantum-vacuum effect known as Delbrück scattering. The approach may allow sensitive tests of the theory of quantum electrodynamics (QED).

Delbrück scattering has analogies with the better-known form of scattering responsible for the color of the sky—Rayleigh scattering. Rayleigh scattering arises from the interaction of photons with bound electric charges in the scattering particles. Delbrück scattering instead derives from the interaction of photons with virtual electron-positron pairs in the presence of the Coulomb field of an atomic nucleus. First observed in the 1970s, the effect remains hard to characterize because it occurs in combination with four other types of scattering, including Rayleigh.

Koga and Hayakawa propose a method to isolate and measure Delbrück scattering. The key to their solution is the use of polarized gamma rays. According to their calculations, an appropriate choice of scattering angle, photon polarization, and photon energy would make Delbrück scattering 2 orders of magnitude stronger than that of the other three forms of scattering. Assuming the use of tin as the scattering material and a high-flux gamma-ray source like ELI-NP (Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics)—a facility under construction in Romania—the team predicts that, using data collected over 76 days, the method could double the accuracy achieved in previous experiments.

This research is published in Physical Review Letters.


This article and images was originally posted on [Physics] May 17, 2017 at 05:56AM

By Matteo Rini




Scientists Achieve Direct Counterfactual Quantum Communication For The First Time

Quantum communication is a strange beast, but one of the weirdest proposed forms of it is called counterfactual communication – a type of quantum communication where no particles travel between two recipients.

Theoretical physicists have long proposed that such a form of communication would be possible, but now, for the first time, researchers have been able to experimentally achieve it – transferring a black and white bitmap image from one location to another without sending any physical particles.

If that sounds a little too out-there for you, don’t worry, this is quantum mechanics, after all. It’s meant to be complicated. But once you break it down, counterfactual quantum communication actually isn’t as bizarre as it sounds.

First up, let’s talk about how this differs from regular quantum communication, also known as quantum teleportation, because isn’t that also a form of particle-less information transfer?

Well, not quite. Regular quantum teleportation is based on the principle of entanglement – two particles that become inextricably linked so that whatever happens to one will automatically affect the other, no matter how far apart they are.

This is what Einstein referred to as “spooky action at a distance“, and scientists have already used it to send messages over vast distances.

But that form of quantum teleportation still relies on particle transmission in some form or another. The two particles usually need to be together when they’re entangled before being sent to the people on either end of the message (so, they start in one place, and need to be transmitted to another before communication can occur between them).

Alternatively, particles can be entangled at a distance, but it usually requires another particle, such as photons (particles of light), to travel between the two.

Direct counterfactual quantum communication on the other hands relies on something other than quantum entanglement. Instead, it uses a phenomenon called the quantum Zeno effect.

Very simply, the quantum Zeno effect occurs when an unstable quantum system is repeatedly measured.

In the quantum world, whenever you look at a system, or measure it, the system changes. And in this case, unstable particles can never decay while they’re being measured (just like the proverbial watched kettle that will never boil), so the quantum Zeno effect creates a system that’s effectively frozen with a very high probability.

If you want to delve a little deeper, the video below gives a great explanation:

Counterfactual quantum communication is based on this quantum Zeno effect, and is defined as the transfer of a quantum state from one site to another without any quantum or classical particle being transmitted between them.

This requires a quantum channel to run between two sites, which means there’s always a small probability that a quantum particle will cross the channel. If that happens, the system is discarded and a new one is set up.

To set up such a complex system, researchers from the University of Science and Technology of China placed two single-photon detectors in the output ports of the last of an array of beam splitters.

Because of the quantum Zeno effect, the system is frozen in a certain state, so it’s possible to predict which of the detectors would ‘click’ whenever photons passed through. A series of nested interferometers measure the state of the system to make sure it doesn’t change.

It works based on the fact that, in the quantum world, all light particles can be fully described by wave functions, rather than as particles. So by embedding messages in light the researchers were able to transmit this message without ever directly sending a particle.

The team explains that the basic idea for this set up came from holography technology.

“In the 1940s, a new imaging technique – holography – was developed to record not only light intensity but also the phase of light,” the researchers write in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

“One may then pose the question: Can the phase of light itself be used for imaging? The answer is yes.”

The basic idea is this – someone wants to send an image to Alice using only light (which acts as a wave, not a particle, in the quantum realm).

Alice transfers a single photon to the nested interferometer, where it can be detected by three single-photon detectors: D0, D1, and Df.

If D0 or D1 ‘click’, Alice can conclude a logic result of one or zero. If Df clicks, the result is considered inconclusive.

As Christopher Packham explains for Phys.org:

“After the communication of all bits, the researchers were able to reassemble the image – a monochrome bitmap of a Chinese knot. Black pixels were defined as logic 0, while white pixels were defined as logic 1 …

In the experiment, the phase of light itself became the carrier of information, and the intensity of the light was irrelevant to the experiment.”

Not only is this a big step forward for quantum communication, the team explains it’s technology that could also be used for imaging sensitive ancient artefacts that couldn’t surprise direct light shined on them.

The results will now need to be verified by external researchers to make sure what the researchers saw was a true example of counterfactual quantum communication.

Either way, it’s a pretty cool demonstration of just how bizarre and unexplored the quantum world is.

The research has been published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


This article and images was originally posted on [ScienceAlert] May 9, 2017 at 03:51PM





Physicists find a way to control charged molecules—with quantum logic

NIST physicists find a way to control charged molecules -- with quantum logic
An infographic of NIST technique for quantum control of molecules. Credit: Hanacek/NIST

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) physicists have solved the seemingly intractablepuzzle of how to control the quantum properties of individual charged molecules, or molecular ions. Thesolution is to use the same kind of “quantum logic” that drives an experimental NIST atomic clock.

The new technique achieves an elusive goal, controlling molecules as effectively as cooling andother techniques can control atoms. Quantum control of atoms has revolutionized atomic physics,leading to applications such as atomic clocks. But laser cooling and control of molecules is extremelychallenging because they are much more complex than atoms.

The NIST technique still uses a laser, but only to gently probe the molecule; its quantum state is detectedindirectly. This type of control of molecular ions—several atoms bound together and carrying anelectrical charge—could lead to more sophisticated architectures for quantum information processing,amplify signals in basic physics research such as measuring the “roundness” of the electron’s shape,and boost control of chemical reactions.

The research is described in the May 11 issue of Nature and was performed in the NIST Boulder group that demonstrated the first laser cooling of in 1978.

“We developed methods that are applicable to many types of molecules,” NIST physicist James ChinwenChou said. “Whatever trick you can play with atomic ions is now within reach with molecular ions.Now the molecule will ‘listen’ to you—asking, in effect, ‘What do you want me to do?'”

“This is comparable to when scientists could first laser cool and trap atoms, opening the floodgatesto applications in precision metrology and information processing. It’s our dream to achieve all thesethings with molecules,” Chou added.

Compared to atoms, molecules are more difficult to control because they have more complex structuresinvolving many electronic energy levels, vibrations and rotations. Molecules can consist of many differentnumbers and combinations of atoms and be as large as DNA strands more than a meter long.

The NIST method finds the (electronic, vibrational, and rotational) of the molecular ionby transferring the information to a second ion, in this case an atomic ion, which can be laser cooledand controlled with previously known techniques. Borrowing ideas from NIST’s quantum logic clock, theresearchers attempt to manipulate the molecular ion and, if successful, set off a synchronized motionin the pair of ions. The manipulation is chosen such that it can only trigger the motion if the molecule isin a certain state. The “yes” or “no” answer is signaled by the atomic ion. The technique is very gentle,indicating the molecule’s quantum without destroying them.

“The molecule only jiggles if it is in the right state. The atom feels that jiggle and can transfer the jiggleinto a light signal we can pick up,” senior author Dietrich Leibfried said. “This is like Braille, which allowspeople to feel what is written instead of seeing it. We feel the state of the molecule instead of seeing itand the atomic ion is our microscopic finger that allows us to do that.”

Animation of NIST technique for quantum control of molecules. Credit: Hanacek/NIST

“Moreover, the method should be applicable to a large group of without changing the setup.This is part of NIST’s basic mission, to develop precision measurement tools that maybe other peoplecan use in their work,” Leibfried added.

To perform the experiment, NIST researchers scavenged old but still functional equipment, including anion trap used in a 2004 quantum teleportation experiment. They also borrowed laser light from an ongoing quantum logic clock experiment in the same lab.

The researchers trapped two just a few millionths of a meter apart in a high-vacuumchamber at room temperature. Hydrogen gas was leaked into the vacuum chamber until one calciumion reacted to form a calcium hydride (CaH+) molecular ion made of one calcium ion and one hydrogenatom bonded together.

Like a pair of pendulums that are coupled by a spring, the two ions can develop a shared motion becauseof their physical proximity and the repulsive interaction of their electrical charges. The researchersused a laser to cool the atomic ion, thereby also cooling the molecule to the lowest-energy state. Atroom temperature, the molecular ion is also in its lowest electronic and vibrational state but remains in amixture of rotational states.

The researchers then applied pulses of infrared laser light—tuned to prevent changes to the ions’ electronicor vibrational states—to drive a unique transition between two of more than 100 possible rotationalstates of the molecule. If this transition occurred, one quantum of energy was added to the two ions’shared motion. Researchers then applied an additional laser pulse to convert the change in the sharedmotion into a change in the atomic ion’s internal energy level. The atomic ion then started scatteringlight, signaling that the molecular ion’s state had changed and it was in the desired target state.

Subsequently, researchers can then transfer angular momentum from the light emitted and absorbed during laser-induced transitions to, for example, orient the molecule’s rotational state in a desired direction.

The new techniques have a wide range of possible applications. Other NIST scientists at JILA previouslyused lasers to manipulate clouds of specific charged molecules in certain ways, but the new NISTtechnique could be used to control many different types of larger molecular ions in more ways, Chousaid.

Molecular ions offer more options than atomic ions for storing and converting quantum information,Chou said. For example, they could offer more versatility for distributing information to differenttypes of hardware such as superconducting components.

The method could also be used to answer deep physics questions such as whether fundamental”constants” of nature change over time. The calcium hydride molecular ion has been identified as onecandidate for answering such questions. In addition, for measurements of the electron’s electric dipolemoment (a quantity indicating the roundness of the particles charge distribution), the ability to preciselycontrol all aspects of hundreds of ions at the same time would boost the strength of the signal thatscientists want to measure, Chou said.

Explore further: Laser cooling a polyatomic molecule

More information: C.W. Chou, C. Kurz, D.B. Hume, P.N. Plessow, D.R. Leibrandt, and D. Leibfried. 2017. Preparation and coherent manipulation of pure quantum states of a single molecular ion. Nature. May 11. nature.com/articles/doi:10.1038/nature22338


This article and images was originally posted on [Phys.org – latest science and technology news stories] May 10, 2017 at 06:09AM

Provided by: National Institute of Standards and Technology







First signs of weird quantum property of empty space?

First signs of weird quantum property of empty space?
This artist’s view shows how the light coming from the surface of a strongly magnetic neutron star (left) becomes linearly polarised as it travels through the vacuum of space close to the star on its way to the observer on Earth (right). The polarisation of the observed light in the extremely strong magnetic field suggests that the empty space around the neutron star is subject to a quantum effect known as vacuum birefringence, a prediction of quantum electrodynamics (QED). This effect was predicted in the 1930s but has not been observed before. The magnetic and electric field directions of the light rays are shown by the red and blue lines. Model simulations by Roberto Taverna (University of Padua, Italy) and Denis Gonzalez Caniulef (UCL/MSSL, UK) show how these align along a preferred direction as the light passes through the region around the neutron star. As they become aligned the light becomes polarised, and this polarisation can be detected by sensitive instruments on Earth. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada

By studying the light emitted from an extraordinarily dense and strongly magnetized neutron star using ESO’s Very Large Telescope, astronomers may have found the first observational indications of a strange quantum effect, first predicted in the 1930s. The polarization of the observed light suggests that the empty space around the neutron star is subject to a quantum effect known as vacuum birefringence.

A team led by Roberto Mignani from INAF Milan (Italy) and from the University of Zielona Gora (Poland), used ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) at the Paranal Observatory in Chile to observe the neutron star RX J1856.5-3754, about 400 light-years from Earth.

Despite being amongst the closest , its extreme dimness meant the astronomers could only observe the star with visible light using the FORS2 instrument on the VLT, at the limits of current telescope technology.

Neutron stars are the very dense remnant cores of massive stars—at least 10 times more massive than our Sun—that have exploded as supernovae at the ends of their lives. They also have extreme magnetic fields, billions of times stronger than that of the Sun, that permeate their outer surface and surroundings.

These fields are so strong that they even affect the properties of the empty space around the star. Normally a is thought of as completely empty, and light can travel through it without being changed. But in quantum electrodynamics (QED), the quantum theory describing the interaction between photons and charged particles such as electrons, space is full of virtual particles that appear and vanish all the time. Very can modify this space so that it affects the polarisation of light passing through it.

Mignani explains: “According to QED, a highly magnetised vacuum behaves as a prism for the propagation of light, an effect known as vacuum birefringence.”

Among the many predictions of QED, however, vacuum birefringence so far lacked a direct experimental demonstration. Attempts to detect it in the laboratory have not yet succeeded in the 80 years since it was predicted in a paper by Werner Heisenberg (of uncertainty principle fame) and Hans Heinrich Euler.

First signs of weird quantum property of empty space?
This wide field image shows the sky around the very faint neutron star RX J1856.5-3754 in the southern constellation of Corona Australis. This part of the sky also contains interesting regions of dark and bright nebulosity surrounding the variable star R Coronae Australis (upper left), as well as the globular star cluster NGC 6723. The neutron star itself is too faint to be seen here, but lies very close to the centre of the image. Credit: ESO/Digitized Sky Survey 2

“This effect can be detected only in the presence of enormously strong magnetic fields, such as those around neutron stars. This shows, once more, that neutron stars are invaluable laboratories in which to study the fundamental laws of nature.” says Roberto Turolla (University of Padua, Italy).

After careful analysis of the VLT data, Mignani and his team detected linear polarisation—at a significant degree of around 16%—that they say is likely due to the boosting effect of vacuum birefringence occurring in the area of surrounding RX J1856.5-3754.

Vincenzo Testa (INAF, Rome, Italy) comments: “This is the faintest object for which polarisation has ever been measured. It required one of the largest and most efficient telescopes in the world, the VLT, and accurate data analysis techniques to enhance the signal from such a faint star.”

“The high linear polarisation that we measured with the VLT can’t be easily explained by our models unless the vacuum birefringence effects predicted by QED are included,” adds Mignani.

“This VLT study is the very first observational support for predictions of these kinds of QED effects arising in extremely strong magnetic fields,” remarks Silvia Zane (UCL/MSSL, UK).

Mignani is excited about further improvements to this area of study that could come about with more advanced telescopes: “Polarisation measurements with the next generation of telescopes, such as ESO’s European Extremely Large Telescope, could play a crucial role in testing QED predictions of vacuum birefringence effects around many more neutron stars.”

“This measurement, made for the first time now in visible light, also paves the way to similar measurements to be carried out at X-ray wavelengths,” adds Kinwah Wu (UCL/MSSL, UK).

This research was presented in the paper entitled “Evidence for vacuum birefringence from the first optical polarimetry measurement of the isolated neutron star RX J1856.5−3754”, by R. Mignani et al., to appear in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Explore further: Hubble captures the beating heart of the Crab Nebula


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Original article on phys.org

Provided by: ESO




Physicists have finally confirmed a decades-old explanation of phase transitions 


Researchers have finally confirmed a decades-old set of rules that describes strange shifts in space and time, known as continuous phase transitions.

These aren’t the traditional phase transitions we learnt about in high school, where solids transform into liquids, or liquids to gas. In continuous phase transitions, tiny, quantum defects are formed, where some matter is stuck between regions in distinct states. And now, for the first time, physicists can actually explain how that works.

That’s important, because even though we can’t see these continuous phase transitions happening around us, they play a huge role in the shifts and evolution of physical systems.

One of the best examples of a continuous phase transition is the spontaneous symmetry breaking in the early Universe – when many of the unique properties of our Universe, such as time and matter, arose.

Without that continuous phase transition, which occurred across both space and time, we wouldn’t be here today.

But understanding the principles of these continuous phase transitions won’t just help us better understand how the Universe first formed, it will also help us understand the behaviour of materials on the quantum level – because this new research confirms for the first time that both processes are controlled by the same set of rules.

Those rules are the Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM), which was first proposed in 1976, but has never been demonstrated until now.

The reason those rules are so important is because the defects formed by these continuous phase transitions are crucial cosmological phenomena such as domain walls, cosmic strings, and textures. The KZM predicts how these defects will form in space and time when a physical system goes through a continuous phase transition.

And now we finally know that it works.

“We study phase transitions because it is one of the most fundamental questions that puzzle us,” said one of the researchers, Cheng Chin, from the University of Chicago.

“What is the origin of the complex structure of the Universe, how do imperfections emerge and how do identical materials develop distinct properties over time?”

Chin and his team were able to provide the first clear demonstration of the KZM by observing a continuous phase transition in gaseous caesium atoms cooled down to temperatures near absolute zero.

Using a laser, the researchers created an optical lattice that lined up the atoms in patterns. They then used sound waves to shake the optical lattice and drive the atoms across a continuous, ferromagnetic quantum phase transition.

This caused each atom to divide into different domains with either positive or negative momentum, and the faster the structure was shaken, the smaller the domains were.

Impressively, the team found that the resulting structure was consistent with what the KSM would have predicted all the way back in 1976.

This suggests that these KSM ‘rules’ for how matter will behave across space time during a continuous phase transition will be applicable to all physical systems – whether that’s caesium gas atoms or the early Universe.

And based on these rules, researchers will now be able to go back and figure out how the unique ‘defects’ we see in the Universe today would have formed during those early continuous phase transitions.

“What we learn from testing KZM in our system is not about the origin of the universe,” said Chin.

“Rather it is about how complex structure is developed through a transition. These are two different but related questions. You can ask: ‘Where does snow come from?’ or ‘Why do snowflakes have a beautiful crystal structure?’ Our investigation is more into the second question.”

Similar continuous phase transitions are also found throughout the natural world, in liquid crystals, superfluid helium, and even cell membranes.

Erich Mueller, a physicist at Cornell University who wasn’t involved in the study, said the findings were “a remarkable demonstration of the universality of physics”.

“The same theory that is used to explain the formation of structure in the early Universe also explains the formation of structure in the cold gases,” he added.

Now that the KZM has been confirmed, it opens up the door for using atoms in the lab to model and better understand large-scale processes, happening here on Earth, or light-years away in space.

“While cosmologists are still searching for evidence of the Kibble-Zurek mechanism, our team actually saw it in our lab in samples of atoms at extremely low temperatures,” said Chin.

“We are on the right track to investigate other intriguing cosmological phenomena, not only with a telescope, but also with a microscope.”

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Original article on ScienceAlert





These levitating droplets behave strangely like quantum particles 

Video Via Veritasium

There’s something strange about these droplets of silicon oil – and it’s not just the way they’re bouncing above the petri dish. They actually replicate a lot of the weird phenomena of quantum mechanics, but on a scale we can actually see. And this episode of Veritasium explains how that can help us wrap our minds around some of the stranger hypotheses surrounding quantum particles.

But to start with – why are these oil droplets bouncing in the first place? In the experiment above, Derek from Veritasium has set up a petri dish full of silicon oil on top of a speaker that he’s using to vibrate the dish.

By creating droplets with a toothpick, he can cause them to hover along the surface, bouncing above a tiny layer of air between the oil and the droplet that never gets small enough for the oil to recombine.

Every time that droplet bounces, it creates a standing wave in the dish that oscillates up and down.

Not only does the droplet create the standing wave, it also interacts with it on its next bounce. And if it keeps landing on the same side of the wave, the droplet gets pushed forward, which scientists call a ‘walker’.

But what’s really interesting is how these droplets behave. They’re way too big to be quantum – they’re around 1 millimetre across – but scientists have recently discovered that they can use these little droplets to replicate many of the strange phenomena of quantum mechanics.

Take, for example, the classic double-slit experiment. In traditional quantum mechanics, the double-slit experiment involves firing a beam of particles, such as electrons, at two narrow slits.

On the other side, rather than the electrons ending up in two distinct clumps behind the slits, as you’d expect, they produce an interference pattern – a pretty even spattering of electrons across area behind the slits.

That even happens when you send the electrons through one at a time, and it’s just one of the many baffling phenomena in quantum mechanics.

With these bouncing oil droplets, you can recreate the double-slit experiment, and watch as the standing wave (or pilot wave) travels through both slits, while the droplet itself only travels through one.

But the droplets don’t always move in a straight line, because they’re jostled around and guided by these standing waves. So you end up with the drops scattered on the other side in a very similar pattern to a quantum interference pattern.

(Side note: this is probably the best and simplest demonstration of the double-slit experiment we’ve ever seen.)

That’s weird enough, but the droplets also display the same phenomenon of quantum tunnelling – where it’s possible for a particle to get through a barrier that it wouldn’t classically have enough energy to get over.

And if you look at a ‘walker’ oil droplet confined to a circular corral, such as a petri dish, and track its chaotic movement over time as it bounces off its standing waves, you can create a probability density that shows the likelihood of the droplet being found at any point within the petri dish at any one time.

It turns out, that pattern will look a lot like the probability density of electrons confined in a quantum corral. Which is pretty freaky, but definitely not a coincidence.

So why are these droplets so similar to quantum particles?

We’ll let Derek explain that in the video above, but let’s just say that observing these little bouncing droplets can help physicists (and the rest of us) wrap our tiny human minds around some of the competing hypotheses out there about quantum mechanics, such as the Copenhagen interpretation and pilot wave theory.

Check it out and see which you think makes more sense – or just marvel at strange bouncing oil droplets that seem to defy physics. You do you.

And if you want to find out more about how oil droplets – and even water – levitate in the first place, check out the incredible episode of Smarter Every Day below… he even makes them happen in space:

Video via SmarterEveryDay


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Original article on ScienceAlert




Supercomputer comes up with a profile of dark matter: Standard Model extension predicts properties of candidate particle

Supercomputer comes up with a profile of dark matter: Standard Model extension predicts properties of candidate particle
Simulated distribution of dark matter approximately three billion years after the Big Bang (illustration not from this work). Credit: The Virgo Consortium/Alexandre Amblard/ESA



In the search for the mysterious dark matter, physicists have used elaborate computer calculations to come up with an outline of the particles of this unknown form of matter. To do this, the scientists extended the successful Standard Model of particle physics which allowed them, among other things, to predict the mass of so-called axions, promising candidates for dark matter. The German-Hungarian team of researchers led by Professor Zoltán Fodor of the University of Wuppertal, Eötvös University in Budapest and Forschungszentrum Jülich carried out its calculations on Jülich’s supercomputer JUQUEEN (BlueGene/Q) and presents its results in the journal Nature.

“Dark matter is an invisible form of matter which until now has only revealed itself through its gravitational effects. What it consists of remains a complete mystery,” explains co-author Dr Andreas Ringwald, who is based at DESY and who proposed the current research. Evidence for the existence of this form of matter comes, among other things, from the astrophysical observation of galaxies, which rotate far too rapidly to be held together only by the gravitational pull of the . High-precision measurements using the European satellite “Planck” show that almost 85 percent of the entire mass of the universe consists of dark matter. All the stars, planets, nebulae and other objects in space that are made of conventional matter account for no more than 15 percent of the mass of the universe.

“The adjective ‘dark’ does not simply mean that it does not emit visible light,” says Ringwald. “It does not appear to give off any other wavelengths either – its interaction with photons must be very weak indeed.” For decades, physicists have been searching for particles of this new type of matter. What is clear is that these particles must lie beyond the Standard Model of particle physics, and while that model is extremely successful, it currently only describes the conventional 15 percent of all matter in the cosmos. From theoretically possible extensions to the Standard Model physicists not only expect a deeper understanding of the universe, but also concrete clues in what energy range it is particularly worthwhile looking for dark-matter candidates.

The unknown form of matter can either consist of comparatively few, but very heavy particles, or of a large number of light ones. The direct searches for heavy dark-matter candidates using large detectors in underground laboratories and the indirect search for them using large particle accelerators are still going on, but have not turned up any so far. A range of physical considerations make extremely light particles, dubbed axions, very promising candidates. Using clever experimental setups, it might even be possible to detect direct evidence of them. “However, to find this kind of evidence it would be extremely helpful to know what kind of mass we are looking for,” emphasises theoretical physicist Ringwald. “Otherwise the search could take decades, because one would have to scan far too large a range.”

The existence of axions is predicted by an extension to quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the quantum theory that governs the , responsible for the nuclear force. The strong interaction is one of the four fundamental forces of nature alongside gravitation, electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force, which is responsible for radioactivity. “Theoretical considerations indicate that there are so-called topological quantum fluctuations in quantum chromodynamics, which ought to result in an observable violation of time reversal symmetry,” explains Ringwald. This means that certain processes should differ depending on whether they are running forwards or backwards. However, no experiment has so far managed to demonstrate this effect.

The extension to quantum chromodynamics (QCD) restores the invariance of time reversals, but at the same time it predicts the existence of a very weakly interacting particle, the axion, whose properties, in particular its mass, depend on the strength of the topological quantum fluctuations. However, it takes modern supercomputers like Jülich’s JUQUEEN to calculate the latter in the temperature range that is relevant in predicting the relative contribution of axions to the matter making up the universe. “On top of this, we had to develop new methods of analysis in order to achieve the required temperature range,” notes Fodor who led the research.

The results show, among other things, that if axions do make up the bulk of dark matter, they should have a mass of 50 to 1500 micro-electronvolts, expressed in the customary units of , and thus be up to ten billion times lighter than electrons. This would require every cubic centimetre of the universe to contain on average ten million such ultra-lightweight particles. Dark matter is not spread out evenly in the universe, however, but forms clumps and branches of a weblike network. Because of this, our local region of the Milky Way should contain about one trillion axions per cubic centimetre.

Thanks to the Jülich supercomputer, the calculations now provide physicists with a concrete range in which their search for axions is likely to be most promising. “The results we are presenting will probably lead to a race to discover these particles,” says Fodor. Their discovery would not only solve the problem of in the universe, but at the same time answer the question why the strong interaction is so surprisingly symmetrical with respect to time reversal. The scientists expect that it will be possible within the next few years to either confirm or rule out the existence of axions experimentally.

The Institute for Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Debrecen, the Lendület Lattice Gauge Theory Research Group at the Eötvös University, the University of Zaragoza in Spain, and the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich were also involved in the research.

Explore further: 3 knowns and 3 unknowns about dark matter

More information: S. Borsanyi et al, Calculation of the axion mass based on high-temperature lattice quantum chromodynamics, Nature (2016). DOI: 10.1038/nature20115

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Original article on phys.org





How often do quantum systems violate the second law of thermodynamics?

The likelihood of seeing quantum systems violating the second law of thermodynamics has been calculated by UCL scientists.

In two papers, published in this week’s issue of Physical Review X and funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the team determined a more precise version of a basic law of physics – which says that disorder tends to increase with unless acted on by an outside force – and applied it to the smallest .

“The vast majority of the time, the second law of is obeyed. It says that a cup of hot coffee in a cold room will cool down rather than heat up, and a collection of coins all initially heads up will likely produce a mixture of heads and tails when given a shake. In fact, it is thanks to the second law of thermodynamics that we instantly recognise when we are watching a movie backwards,” explained PhD student Alvaro M. Alhambra (UCL Physics & Astronomy).

The team say that situations which break the second law of thermodynamics are not ruled out in principle, but are rare.

“We wanted to find out by how much disorder increases, and if disorder sometimes decrease with some probability. These questions become important for small quantum systems where violations of the second law can happen with a significant probability,” added co-author Professor Jonathan Oppenheim (UCL Physics & Astronomy).

The team, which also included Dr Christopher Perry (previously at UCL and now a researcher at the University of Copenhagen), revealed how the second law of thermodynamics functions when applied to the smallest scales of the microscopic world and the calculated the maximum probability of observing a violation.

Dr Lluis Masanes (UCL Physics & Astronomy), said: “The probability of the law being violated is virtually zero for large objects like cups of tea, but for small quantum objects, it can play a significant role. We wanted to determine the probability of violations occurring, and wanted to prove a more precise version of the second law of thermodynamics.”

The second law is usually expressed as an inequality e.g., the amount of energy flowing from the cup to the air has to be larger than zero. However, it can also be expressed as an equality instead, saying precisely how much energy flows from the air to the cup and with what probabilities. This equality version of the second law can be proven for the most general process allowed by the laws of quantum mechanics.

In addition, this new formulation of the second law contains a very large amount of information, dramatically constraining the probability and size of fluctuations of work and heat and, tells us that the particular fluctuations that break the second law only occur with exponentially low probability.

These findings are critical to nanoscale devices, and the rapidly developing field of quantum technologies.

Explore further: Quantum engines must break down

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Original article posted on phys.org


Provided by: University College London




Scientists visualise quantum behaviour of hot electrons for first time

Scientists visualise quantum behaviour of hot electrons for first time
The Scanning Tunnelling Microscope used to inject electrons into a silicon surface at the University of Birmingham. Credit: Michelle Tennison

Scientists have, for the first time, identified a method of visualising the quantum behaviour of electrons on a surface. The findings present a promising step forward towards being able to manipulate and control the behaviour of high energy, or ‘hot’, electrons.

A Scanning Tunnelling Microscope was used to inject into a silicon surface, decorated with toluene molecules. As the injected charge propagated from the tip, it induced the molecules to react and ‘lift off’ from the surface.

By measuring the precise atomic positions from which molecules departed on injection, the team were able to identify that electrons were governed by quantum mechanics close to the tip, and then by more classical behaviour further away.

The team found that the molecular lift-off was “suppressed” near the point of charge injection, because the classical behaviour was inhibited. The number of reactions close to the tip increased rapidly until reaching a radius, up to 15 nanometres away, before seeing relatively slow decay of reactions beyond that point more in keeping with classical behaviour. This radius, at which the behaviour changes from quantum to classical, could be altered by varying the energy of the electrons injected.

The research, published in Nature Communications, is the result of ongoing collaboration between the University of Birmingham and the University of Bath.

Scientists visualise quantum behaviour of hot electrons for first time
Researcher Lucas Barreto adjusting the Scanning Tunnelling Microscope at the University of Birmingham. Credit: Michelle Tennison

Professor Richard Palmer, from the University of Birmingham, explained: “When an electron is captured by a molecule of toluene, we see the molecule lift off from the surface – imagine the Apollo lander leaving the moon’s surface. By comparing before and after images of the surface we measure the pattern of these molecular launch sites and reveal the behaviour of electrons in a manner not possible before.

“These findings are, crucially, undertaken at . They show that the of electrons which is easily accessible at close to absolute zero temperature (-273°C!) persist under the more balmy conditions of room temperature and over a “large” 15 nanometre scale. These findings suggest future atomic-scale quantum devices could work without the need for a tank of liquid helium coolant.”

Dr Peter Sloan, from the University of Bath, added: “Hot electrons are essential for a number of processes – certain technologies are entirely reliant on them. But they’re notoriously difficult to observe due to their short lifespan, about a millionth of a billionth of a second. This visualisation technique gives us a really new level of understanding.”

Scientists visualise quantum behaviour of hot electrons for first time
Professor Richard Palmer, from the University of Birmingham, with the Scanning Tunnelling Microscope. Credit: Michelle Tennison

Now that the team have developed the method of visualising quantum transport, the goal is to understand how to control and manipulate the wave function of the electron. This could be by injecting electrons through a cluster of metal atoms, or by manipulating the surfaces themselves to harness the quantum effects of electrons.

The implications of being able to manipulate the behaviour of are far-reaching; from improving the efficiency of solar energy, to improving the targeting of radiotherapy for cancer treatment.

Original article on phys.org

Provided by: University of Birmingham