‘World’s most eco-friendly cruise ship’ will have retractable solar sails

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For cruise ships, it’s not easy being green. The typical vessel burns hundreds of tons of fuel oil and creates roughly 80,000 liters of sewage a day, with some ships dumping poorly treated sewage into the seas. But the Japanese company Peace Boat wants to change all that, creating an innovative new boat billed as the “world’s most eco-friendly cruise ship.”

Peace Boat has been working since 1983 to spread a culture of peace through education programs carried out primarily on its chartered vessel. Its new cruise ship—the Ecoship—is slated to launch in 2020, in time for the Tokyo Olympics, and better embody the organization’s commitment to sustainable travel.

Oliver Design

The ship’s systems will work together to generate its own power and create virtually zero waste. Designed by Oliver Design, the ship will have a set of 10 retractable wind generators and 10 retractable solar sails. Weighing roughly 60,000 metric tons, the Ecoship will host up to 2,000 passengers at a time. Greenery planted across five decks will help absorb extra water, while built-in vertical farm systems will produce organic veggies for meals.

The $500 million Ecoship is projected to emit 30 percent less carbon dioxide than current models as well as requiring 20 percent less propulsion energy and 50 percent less electricity.

Via: Inhabitat, CNN


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This article and images were originally posted on [Curbed – All] December 18, 2017 at 10:04AM. Credit to Author and Curbed – All | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day





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