Three new special edition Dualshock 4 wireless controllers revealed

Your daily selection of the hottest trending gaming news!

According to (This article and its images were originally posted on PlayStation.Blog.Europe August 20, 2018 at 08:13AM.)

We’re excited to give you a first look at three brand new colours joining the Dualshock 4 wireless controllers line up for the PlayStation 4 system. All three special edition models will be available from October across the region*.

The models are also on display for the first time at Gamescom, those attending can check them out from tomorrow by heading to booth A-010 in hall 7.1.



Leading the charge is the Blue Camouflage design which will be available from 12th October, just in time for those about to undergo new covert missions on PS4.

It has a futuristic blue and black colour scheme and features a familiar silhouette pattern – let us know in the comments if you can see what it is!




Next up is Berry Blue, launching 23rd October. It’s perfect for those looking to add a powerful pop of colour to their gaming. Similar to Sunset Orange, which will be available again for a limited time on 18th September, its bright vibrant top cover is contrasted with a purple back and buttons.




Last but not least is the captivating Copper controller, which will be available as part of a metallic range from 30th October – alongside the return of Gold, Silver and Steel Black.


Let us know what you think of the new additions in the comments and check out the full range of Dualshock 4 wireless controllers over at



*Please check with your local retailer for availability

The post Three new special edition Dualshock 4 wireless controllers revealed appeared first on PlayStation.Blog.Europe.

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This article and images were originally posted on [PlayStation.Blog.Europe] August 20, 2018 at 08:13AM. Credit to Author PlayStation Blog Staff and PlayStation.Blog.Europe | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day.





Author: ESIST Staff

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