EARTH: An immersive AR/AI experience & model of our planet

A 3D-printed, hand-painted globe taking you through time to explore our planet’s geological changes, wildlife, weather patterns & more!


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EARTH is brought to life with an AR and AI-driven app to help you learn about our incredible past, present, and future.
EARTH is brought to life with an AR and AI-driven app to help you learn about our incredible past, present, and future.
EARTH in action with the AstroReality app.

EARTH in action with the AstroReality app.

A trip around the globe

How much do we know about the impressive planet we all live in? Now, you can take an epic trip around the globe through space and time with our EARTH model and corresponding app.

EARTH is packed with countless data points.
EARTH is packed with countless data points.
EARTH is scaled at 1:106,300,000 of our planet’s size.
EARTH is scaled at 1:106,300,000 of our planet’s size.
The model comes beautifully packaged for preservation and display.
The model comes beautifully packaged for preservation and display.

An interactive timeline

EARTH is automatically detected thanks to our smart technology.

EARTH is automatically detected thanks to our smart technology.
Carbon Dioxide distribution across time.

Carbon Dioxide distribution across time.

EARTH is the first-ever augmented reality-enabled globe that lets you see our planet’s changes across history. Just open the app and point your phone’s camera at the model for a deeply immersive learning experience.

The app displays information on several in-depth categories:

Ever wondered how many gallons of water are in the ocean? 

With EARTH you can track geology, to study the formation and evolution of our physical planet.

Curious about what animals inhabited your country 1,000 years ago? 

With EARTH you can track the migration and habitats of animals past and present.

And much more!

EARTH's technology takes you through time to explore our planet’s rich geographic history, along with the current state of our world due to climate change, natural disasters, and more.

EARTH’s technology takes you through time to explore our planet’s rich geographic history, along with the current state of our world due to climate change, natural disasters, and more.
The deeply-layered, interactive experience covers basic geographic information such as landmarks, latitude and longitude, time zones, and regions.

The deeply-layered, interactive experience covers basic geographic information such as landmarks, latitude and longitude, time zones, and regions.
The app also displays complex visualization across various topics such as heatmaps, cloud atlases, point maps, texture maps, and more.
The app also displays complex visualization across various topics such as heatmaps, cloud atlases, point maps, texture maps, and more.

Control EARTH with your voice

While you explore the globe with your hands, use our smart voice technology—named Gaea, powered by Microsoft LUIS—to direct the app and discover a wealth of information about earth.

Here are a couple questions you can ask Gaea across the various categories. Just say “Hey Gaea!” and ask away…

Gaea is here to help with your journey across time and space.

Gaea is here to help with your journey across time and space.
Gaea displays the information you want, right before your eyes.

Gaea displays the information you want, right before your eyes.

Or, get Gaea to navigate you around the app!

  • Hey Gaea, show me the areas of temperate grassland around the globe.
  • Hey Gaea, let’s leave the animal section and see the Earth’s structure.

Using art, technology, and science to educate

Beyond the physical globe of EARTH, the AstroReality App contains a wealth of scientific knowledge selected to show our planet as a dynamic and interconnected system. This knowledge was developed by researchers from around the world and made public for us to share with you. AstroReality’s developers are working with our science advisor, J.R. Skok, PhD, a planetary scientist at the SETI Institute, to put the stories of EARTH into your hands.

Here is Dr. Skok sharing a taste of just one of the many datasets that we can explore with EARTH.

Who is EARTH for?

We made the EARTH experience incredibly easy to use for everyone—from schools who want to adopt the latest technology for their students, to everyday knowledge-seekers, to model collectors, and enthusiasts.

Explore our planet's incredible structure!

Explore our planet’s incredible structure!

EARTH specifications

EARTH's specs at a glance.
EARTH’s specs at a glance.
The model is incredibly detailed.
The model is incredibly detailed.
EARTH looks great anywhere.
EARTH looks great anywhere.

EARTH in the real world

In conjunction with Wild Life Drawing we recently ran a one-off, around-the-EARTH drawing tour in London with live animals from various habitats around the globe— lizards from South America, skunks from Africa and tortoises from the Americas!
We invited illustrators, journalists, and friends to meet, draw, and learn about some of the fascinating creatures we share our planet with.
Lucky attendees of the event had the chance to try our EARTH and learn all the migration and habitats of animals past and present.
Lucky attendees of the event had the chance to try our EARTH and learn all the migration and habitats of animals past and present.
"EARTH is unlike any other model—an encyclopedia for the modern world!" —Jenny Webber, Founder of Wild Life Drawing
“EARTH is unlike any other model—an encyclopedia for the modern world!” —Jenny Webber, Founder of Wild Life Drawing
"Seeing the cloud overlay using AR is beautiful and enriching." —Annabel Maguire, Studio Lune
“Seeing the cloud overlay using AR is beautiful and enriching.” —Annabel Maguire, Studio Lune
"It's really incredible—the details of the continents, oceans, mountains, and more are all amazing." —Illustrator Alec Doherty
“It’s really incredible—the details of the continents, oceans, mountains, and more are all amazing.” —Illustrator Alec Doherty

How EARTH is made

We use poly resin density, 3D printing, and paint pigment ratios to create EARTH. Then, we refine our models to ensure the surface details—ocean, land, mountains—are clearly visible

EARTH is made with an eco-friendly paint and production process. 3D printing is extremely precise, and levels down to 0.05 millimeters—printing error has a precision of 0.025 millimeters, printing resolution reaches 4000 DPI, and up to 0.006 millimeter per pixel. We then finish with a hand painted layer on every single unit.

3D modeling of EARTH before printing.

3D modeling of EARTH before printing.
Working on EARTH's AI capabilities.

Working on EARTH’s AI capabilities.
EARTH before the hand-painting process begins.
EARTH before the hand-painting process begins.
The EARTH unboxing experience!
The EARTH unboxing experience!
An unboxed EARTH with a small stand for display.
An unboxed EARTH with a small stand for display.

We have done this before!

EARTH comes after our first successful project of a detailed replica of the moon—LUNAR. Hailed as “the best way to learn about the moon without actually visiting it” by Gizmodo—and praised by the likes of WIRED, Mashable, and The Next Web—LUNAR allowed users to explore and learn about the moon’s rocky surface.

EARTH follows LUNAR’s AR experience, but this time with many new features and rich visualization from authentic datasets. Below is lunar and planetary scientist Georgiana Kramer explaining her experience with LUNAR.

Our first project, LUNAR, and the AR app.
Our first project, LUNAR, and the AR app.
Our LUNAR model in action!

Our LUNAR model in action!
EARTH will use the same tech as LUNAR, but with countless more features.

EARTH will use the same tech as LUNAR, but with countless more features.
LUNAR packaging and models.
LUNAR packaging and models.

Why we built EARTH

We’re passionate about our planet—it’s the only home we have. Unfortunately, Earth is going through irreversible changes that are forever changing the surface of everything we know—from global warming and glacial recession, to the extinction of its animals and wildlife.

We hope that educating everyone about the effects we have on our planet from fossil fuels, pollution, and more will ignite a conscious change and passion for bettering the world as we know it.

A highly accurate representation of our planet.

A highly accurate representation of our planet.
An unpainted EARTH.
An unpainted EARTH.
Check out the beautiful details!
Check out the beautiful details!

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This article and images were originally posted on [] May 31, 2018 at 09:00AM. Credit to Author and | ESIST.T>G>S Recommended Articles Of The Day




Author: ESIST Staff

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